tagged 2

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I was tagged by my frend BOTCH_CARA for a QnA so let's get this over with (i'm just gonna do what BOTCH did)

1 nickname: people irl call my sleepy cause i sleep a lot and Skely meat cause i am abnormally thin for my age

2 favorite color: my favorite colors are black red and white (i know strange)

3 pets: i have a pet german shepherd i use to have a pitbull but he was hit by a drunk driver and killed

4 favorite band: i don't really have a favorite but i do listen to imagen dragons, fall out boys, and this new band called the score

5 favorite show: none

6 coke or pepsi: coke hands down

7 favorite game: i've played a shit load of games from the xbox 360 to xbox 1 and ps3 and 4 games but my two favorites are titanfall 2 (#ion is queen)
and DOOM (RIP AND TEAR UNTELL IT IS DONE) i've put count less hours into both of them

8 favorite youtuber: markiplier, game theorist, therussionbager, and surreal beliefs are some of they many i like to watch

9 height: 5 foot 6 i think around that number

10 favorite candy: strawburst and milk-e-ways

11 favorite meal: haven't thought about that but it should be something i eat cause i am an extremely picky eater

12: favorite instrument: don't have one

And that's it

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2018 ⏰

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