Chapter 1: Where are we?

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Brandon is currently on top of a giant robot, holding on for his life. James is on the ground chasing after it.


An explosion, a voice talking about someone important, apple juice and nachos. Those are the last things Brandon remembers before waking up.

"'Groan' Ow..." Brandon sits up, grabbing his head.

"Did anyone get the number of that bus that hit me?" Brandon sits up from the ground. He looks around noticing he is in some of apartment.

"Wtf??? What is this... Is this a prank? James, if you are trying to prank me, i will personally throw you out a window... again."

Brandon notices the sleeping boy. He goes over to him.

"Yo!!! James!!! WAKE UP!" Nudges James with his foot. 

James just grumbles in his sleep.

"WAKE UP, GET THE FUCK UP!!!" 'SMACK!' Brandon slaps James in the face.

"Wah...? Brandon...?" 'SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!'

"Dude, I'm already awake! Stop!" Brandon just stares at James. 'SMACK!' "OW!!!!" Brandon walks over to the window in the empty room. "Why are we in the city James?"

"How am I supposed to- wait, what?!" James rushes over to the window. "What the heck is this? Some weird city, why is there a wall over at the edges?"

"You think we are in Ember or something?" 

"What???" James turns to look at Brandon.

"The City of Ember. You never seen that movie?" (I thought it was good, it was an old movie, but it was good. I don't own it.)


"Oh... You should see it."

"Can we please focus on where we are first?"

"Okay. Lets ask those people running away."

"People???" Brandon points to the small group running in front of the building entrance.

"How did I not notice the?!" Brandon shrugs and starts walking to the door.

"Lets go."

They march out the door, down the stairs and into the streets, thats when they can finally get the gist of what's happening around them. 

The group that was running right by the building seemed to have been chasing after a ROBOT. They somehow took it down. Loud noises can be heard through out the city, possibly more robots getting demolished.

"What the fuck is this?! World War Robot?!!!" James cries out.

"I GUESS!" Brandon yells out, although his voice sounds a little far away. James turns to Brandon who was behind him...

"Huh? WTF!!!?!" Only to see him dangling upside down from the arm of a robot.

"Yo! Put me down!"

"Let him go you piece of junk." James made his way over and starts kicking the bot repeatedly, unaware that the bot was reaching for him. Only to get blasted by a laser, Brandon falls to the ground. Courtesy of a blonde boy with a weird belt.

"Merci! Thank you for luring it closer. I will be going now." The blonde walks away.

James makes a weird and confused face.

"Did that laser just shoot from his belt or his belly???"

Brandon stands up. "It looks like the belt is some sort of magnifying glass, I'm gonna say it came from his belly. That belt probably aims it... he seems familiar, to be honest." Brandon starts to think.

"If you are gonna think, do it inside before another robot comes by."

"Yeah, yeah..." Brandon and James walk back to the previous building, or try to.

"Which one was it?" Brandon scratches his head.

"Try that one?" James points to a huge one on the left.

"Okay..." They don't notice the ground rumbling. Until...


James falls backwards. "Hey! What's the big idea?!"

James looks up to see a giant robot. 

"I think giant is and understatement."

James, stop breaking the fourth wall. You look weird talking to me.

"Okay, okay... Wait, where did Brandon go?!"

Look up you idiot.

"I thought you wanted me to stop breaking- OH MY GOSH!!!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAH!!!!!!" Brandon is swinging around on the robot's head.

"Brandon, get down from there!"

"James you dumb-ass!!!!! HOW!!!?!!!" Brandon screams back.

"I... have no idea..."

"WAAAAAAH!!!!" The robot starts to roll away on its wheels. "NOOOOOO!!!!!!"

"Don't worry, I'll get you down...! Somehow!!!" James chases after the robot

'flashback over'

"Oh, that's how... Now that I think about it, this seems really familiar..."

Brandon looks around. "Let's see, Giant robot, people running away while destroying smaller ones, that blonde frenchman with a friggin laser..." Brandon looks down to see someone stuck under some debris. 

"Isn't this the part where...? Oh no..." Brandon gets up from his sitting position on the bots head and starts running to its back. Just as someone comes flying through the air.

"Damn It! Damn It! Damn It!!!! Why did I not see this sooner?! We are in My Hero Academia - 'SMASH' - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!" The flying person delivers a devastating blow to the robot's face.

"Izuku!!!! WHY!!!!?!!???!! I lost every ounce of respect for you!!!!" Brandon, unfortunately, was sent flying in the other direction from the blow to the bot.

"Uh oh..." James pales at the sight of his friend falling towards him.

"CATCH ME!!!!"

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" James turns to run, only to be squished by the U.F.B. (Unidentified Flying Brandon)

"I hate you..." Brandon mutters.

"I know..." James mutters back.

They both pass out as a small lady walks up to them.

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