Trigger Warning: Depression & Self Harm mentioned.

I want it to end.
I want my life to end.

I want it all to stop.
I want it to all go away.

I want to be happy.
I want to have someone.

But I cant.
I cant reach that far.

I dont know if I can ever be happy.
I dont know if I can ever have someone.

Do you want to know why?
I'll tell you why.

I'm not good enough.
Nobody thinks so.

I'm just another one of those depressed girls at school who is just looking for attention.

I'm just another one of those girls who wears their heart on their sleeve for everyone to ogle at.

I've tried so hard to be kind to everyone.

I haven't done anything wrong.

I dont deserve this hatred I'm getting.

Or maybe I do.

The voices in my head think so.

They're a part of me, so they are right.

I know I shouldn't give in.

But I want to.

They make me sad.

They make me want to cry.

They really make me want to die.

But I cant give in.

Not yet.

Every time I try, I end up with another marking on my body that shows a failed attempt at happiness.

All the blades have been taken from my grasp, but I'm still in pain.

The slits on my wrists hurt a lot.
But I promise the pain inside feels much worse.

Until I win this battle with myself
I will keep fighting.

And so should you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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