The House Party

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Kacchan's p. o. v.

In walk into the room, looking dead into your big eyes. The dark emerald hue twinkling beautifully in the moonlight. "Hey Kacchan, what are you doing here?" You ask, slurring your words heavily. I feel a ping of anger mixed with disappointment rise up in my gut. "Deku, you idiot, are you drunk?" I ask. The cutest little giggle escapes your throat. "What the fuck is funny shit nerd! Are you drunk, or not?!" I ask, raising my voice a little. You flick slightly before answering. "N-no. I just feel a little...excited. That's all." You reply. I walk up to you, leaning in to smell your breath. "Open." I demand in a rather raspy voice. "Wow Kacchan that was really hot." You say. "Deku, your breath reeks of alcohol...have you been drinking?" I ask. Before you can answer I spit another comment. "You better not fucking lie either!" I yell. Your head falls down slightly, the lightest shade of pink brushing over your cheeks. "Yes. Please don't tell anyone, I'll do anything Kacchan." You say, falling to your knees to beg. I look down at you, feeling my face heat up slightly.

Why the fuck am I blushing? 


"Get the fuck up Deku, you're coming with me." I say quietly, almost a whisper.

Izuku's p. o. v.

Why would Kacchan ask  me to come with him? I ask myself as I slip my red shoes on. "Hurry up fuck face, I don't have all day." Kacchan says rudely. I feel a frown grow on my face, and I look at him. "Sorry Kacchan." I say quietly. "Wait Kacchan...what about my mom?" I ask innocently. He looked at me with an annoyed expression. "I've talked to her already, let's go." He replies. "Where are we going." I ask, looking up into his hell blazed eyes. "And why are your eyes so red?" I continue. He slowly turns to me looking more annoyed than before. "We're going to a party, so I hope you're sober enough to handle yourself. My eyes are red because...mind your own fucking business!" He yells the last part, turning back to the sidewalk in front of us. My face immediately lights up at the answer. I turn to face Kacchan with the biggest smile. "I knew it! You're totally high, aren't you?" I shoot at him. I regret it instantly. He turns around, bunching the front of my shirt in his fist. "Look shitty nerd! You'd better watch yourself. Just because I'm taking you to some shitty lie ass party doesn't mean you can talk to me however you please! Got it?!" He spits. I feel my eyes start to well up as I process everything he said.

Wow, I'm an emotional drunk...

I wipe away the buildup of tears as we approach a house. There's music blaring from inside, people in the front yard. Some are talking to a boyfriend, or girlfriend while other seem to be getting some fresh air. Kacchan grabs my hand as we walk up to the front door. I look down at our intertwined fingers for a second before Kacchan starts to say something. "Don't want your drunk ass getting lost in here. Hold my hand and stay close, or I'm gonna kill you." He says with a scowl setting lightly on his face. We walk in and my jaw drops to the floor. I squeeze Kacchan's hand a little when my stomach starts to flip. "Kacchan, I've never been to a party like this before." I yell. The music is so loud. The bass from the speakers vibrates through my body. "So, what do you want to do?" He asks. I look at him with a shocked expression. I don't  really know what you're supposed to do at a party like this. "Let's dance I guess..." I trail off as the bass engulfs my entire body. I start to find myself getting comfortable. I'm so glad I decided to drink before he came to get me. Just as I start to catch the beat of the music, the song changes. "Baby boy you stay on my mind."

I know this song!

I start to wind my hips to the beat of the music, really getting into it. I listen to this song every night in the shower. Beyonce is the only American artist I listen to. Feeling the beat of the music take over, I push someone against the wall I standing by. I start to vigorously grind onto them, pushing back slightly. This goes on for a while until I hear a voice. "Deku...what the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I hear. I look back to see Kacchan stuck between me and the wall. My face brushes over with a dark shade of red, making my freckles pop out. "I- Kacch- uh..." I try to explain before he grabs my wrist, dragging me upstairs. He opens the first door we come to. "Fuck." He whispers, slamming it shut. He walks to the next door, pushing it open slowly, staring for a second. He pulls it back closed. "Hell no." he says, walking to the last for in the hall. He opens the door normally his time, immediately slamming it back shut. "Damn all these horny extras!" He yells, sounding a bit annoyed. "I'm sorry Ka-" I try to apologize, but he cuts me off...again. He walks back to the second door we tried, pushing it open impatiently. "Get your ass in there fucking nerd." He spits, pulling my arm roughly. I shuffle into the room, trying my best not to trip over my own feet. He slams the door loudly behind him, walking up to me with half lidded eyes. "You wanna explain to me what the fuck that little stunt of yours was?" He growls, pinning me to the chair behind me. I look around the room for anything that isn't him. My eyes land on a pole in the middle of the floor. I wonder why that's for... I think to myself before Kacchan speaks again. "Deku, I swear if you don't give me an answer, you're as good as dead!" He yells. I look into his crimson eyes for a second. "I don't know...I was only having fun, and maybe getting a little too caught up in the music." I say, blushing slightly. He looks deep into my drunken eyes for a couple seconds. "Whatever, "I'm gonna take a piss. You better stay the fuck here." He says, leaving the room.

Now, let's see what this pole is for.

Kacchan's p. o. v.

I walk up to the sink, looking briefly into the mirror. I look a fucking mess right now, I'm so high. Deku and his stupid dancing didn't help at all. I turn the water on and splash some on my face, hoping I can sober up a bit before I have to go back in there with that drunken fool. I have to admit though, his dancing wasn't all that bad...I kinda liked it. Wait! What the fuck am I saying, I fucking hate that shitty nerd. Right? I turn the light off, swiftly exiting the restroom. That damn Deku better still be in the room where I left him. I take my time back to the door, pushing it open slowly in efforts to not alarm him. As the door opens fully, my jaw drops a little. I rest my eyes on Deku, who's resting himself on the pole in the room...with nothing on, but his All Might underwear and black socks. I look at him for a couple seconds more before finally speaking. "Deku, what the fuck do you think you're doing. Put your damn clothes back on idiot!" I bark at him. That's when I spot it. A tall red cup of alcohol on the floor. He must've went down stairs while I was in the restroom. Was I really gone that long? I ask myself. Deku looks up at me from the pole, swinging himself freely around it. "Kacchan, you're back! You've been gone for so long and I got a little thirsty. Then I got bored, so I starting playing with the fire pole. Which is weird because there's no hole in the floor for me to slide down, but I guess its ok." He slurs, still turning. i open my mouth to say something else, but he plants his feet onto the ground. As I reach out to grab him, he does a full circle around the pole, gracefully pulling himself up. He wraps himself around the pole, being held up by his rather thick thighs.  Who knew this shitty nerd was a natural? I ask myself. "A natural at what Kacchan?" He asks, smiling innocently. I blush as his upside down face comes way too close to mine. I stare deeply into his emerald green eyes, looking for anything other than the apparent lust looming in them.

What have I walked into this time?

To be continued...

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