Satoshi Mochida as Thomas Sanders

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If I was a teacher after a holiday

Satoshi: Alright, who's happy to be back

Maiya: Absolutely no one.

Satoshi: Me neither let's the heck out of here!

(He drives off with a car with Naomi, Yoshiki, Seiko, Ayumi and Maiya)

What a beautiful day

Satoshi: Good Morning

Birds: Good Morning Satoshi

Satoshi: *laughs* What a beautiful- WHAT THE!

Satoshi: *runs away* TALKING BIRDS!

Birds: You can't escape us

Roommate Problems

Satoshi: And the roommate being voted out of the apartment is...

*drum roll*

Satoshi: Morishige! Cause he don't stop playing the freaking drums dude!

Morishige: *cri*

Never Hurts To Ask..
(Satoshi, Yoshiki, Naomi and Morishige are sitting outside doing nothing)

Satoshi: You Guys like Pokémon?

Few seconds later

Satoshi: I choose you! Ha ha!

(Everyone groans in defeat)

Narrating People's lives When they don't want you to

Satoshi: Story Time!

Satoshi: The young man sat there drinking his grape juice-

Yoshiki: Leave me alone. *walks away* Leave me alone

Satoshi: I am a god Yoshiki! You will bend to my will!

Last vine

Narrating People's lives on the run!

Satoshi: Story Time!

Satoshi: No matter how fast he ran, he could not escape the demon! But he would not let his souls be taken today!

Morishige: *runs faster* AHHH!
That's it, I hope you enjoyed it and probably got a laugh or two.

I don't own the characters. Except for Maiya (who got one line xD)

Bye! See you in next chapter. When Yoshiki is Dope Island xD

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