Robb and Fianna sat alone, their small party of guards spread out across the tavern and without bearing any House sigil to avoid raising suspicion. The last thing they needed was an enemy getting wind that Robb and Fianna were away from home for Baelfort to be attacked.

"I once ate a half cooked rabbit after I left the Dreadfort, and even that was less dreadful than this," he sighed, dropping the wooden spoon back into the bowl. The dinner was customary with the fee they paid to stay the night, but a customary meal didn't always mean an edible one.

"I can honestly say it was worse than childbirth," Fianna joked with an eyebrow raised, "and my babes were Starks so you can just imagine."

Robb smirked in amusement, "and with a Bua mother, especially, I'd imagine they were painful to deal with."

"Alright, alright," Fianna rolled her eyes and chuckled, "at least my ancestor didn't bend the knee to Aegon Targaryen."

"No, because being burnt to death on top of your own wall was a much preferable ordeal."

Fianna narrowed her eyes, but couldn't help the burst of laughter that came from her after a moment.

The rest of their time in the eating area was spent with much the same, playfully bantering and discussing the impending journey at great length. As time stretched, the ale continued to flow between their lips and their cups and with their growing intoxication, the laughter increased.

It was easy, and for once they weren't plagued with the underlying issues in their marriage. They weren't the former King and Queen, or a Lord and Lady. They were simply Robb and Fianna.

But alas, all tranquility must end. And theirs was brought to a conclusion when a boisterous man in the table over had become loud enough for the two to hear.

"So I said to the whore, I'm no coward, I simply don't want to fuck ya!" He was explaining, the vulgarity of his words catching their attention. "She accused me of pulling a Robb Stark, said I was backing down like a coward. But I just told her it was because the only teeth she had in her head were mine when my tongue was down her throat!"

The men around him burst into laughter, as if it was the funniest thing they had ever heard. But Robb and Fianna were far from amused, disgusted was a suitable term to match their emotions. Accompanying that disgust, Robb felt something he hadn't felt in a while, the creeping sensation of humiliation clawing at him made his skin itch and his neck redden.

His eyes fell to the table before him, refusing to look up in case anyone should recognise him. To another woman, Robb would look defeated. But Fianna noticed the clench in his fists and the tightness in his jaw. This was anger.

"Robb-" she began, reaching her hand forward to try and soothe him.

"Don't," he cut her off, giving a small shake of his head.

Fianna knew there were many who disagreed with their decision to abdicate, and while she had struggled with adjusting from the change in power, she didn't think she truly regretted it. But looking at her husband now, she wasn't so sure that was something mutual between them.

"Give us another flagon of ale there, love," the same man shouted, all but slapping a passing waitress on her bottom. Robb flinched at the action, and like a horse being clapped on the behind, he set off.

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