"Compromise," he ignored her. "This is how it is going to work. This is how it will be. This is the middle ground."

"So," Rhodey said slowly, "there are contingencies."

"In three days, the UN meets in Vienna," He explained. "To ratify the accords. Talk it over."

"And," Natasha spoke before he could leave. "If our decision is something you don't like?"

"Then you retire." That was easy enough for Lydia. She technically never started. With that last bit of information, the Secretary and his team left leaving the Avengers to discuss. Lydia had her mind already made up. She would not sign any accords. 

Steve reached over and grabbed the book, beginning to read over it.  "This is bullshit!" Sam shoved himself up from the table. He was angry, which was understandable. Across the table, Wanda rubbed her temples, processing the information.  "Who does this guy think he is?"

Rhodey chuckled, "an army hero?"

"That's really not important," Sam snapped at him.

"He has a congressional medal of honor," Rhodey pointed at him. "One more than you have."

Sam sent him a dirty look, not backing down. "Let's say we agree to this. How long before they Lojack us like we are the criminals?"

Lydia agreed with Sam. The accords reminded her too much of Hydra. Hydra had always believed in control. They were dictators. "117 countries want to sign this. 117, and you just wanna play it cool?"

"How long can you play both sides-"

"I have an equation," Vision spoke up from the couch. 


Vision shifted with all the attention on him. "It's been eight years since Mr. Stark came out as Ironman. The number of known enhanced persons has increased." Lydia swallowed thickly. "The number of world-ending events has also increased."

"Are you saying it's our fault," Steve asked, glancing up from the accords.

"I'm saying there is a causality," Vision responded. Lydia didn't like where the conversation was headed. "Our strength invites challenge. That produces conflicts. Conflict spawns catastrophe. Oversight cannot be dismissed."

It went silent, everyone processing the words Vision spoke. Although he did have a good point, Lydia still disagreed. She believed that, eventually, these people would do what they did without them. Bad people were bad people. "Tony." Natasha looked at him. "You're oddly quiet."

"Cause he already made up his mind," Steve knew Tony all too well. 

"You know me so well," Tony stood up from his spot. "I'm actually nursing a bad headache." Lydia watched the older man curiously. "Just pain." He stood in the kitchen, knowing he had everyone's attention. 

With Tony, it was always a show. 

"Who's putting coffee grounds in the disposal? Am I running a motel for a biker gang?" He reached into his pocket and set down a device, which projected an image of an unfamiliar boy. He was young with bright eyes, black hair, and dark skin. "Oh, this is Charles Spencer, by the way. Great kid. Engineering degree, 3.7 GPA, had a job. Before he started, he wanted to put a few miles on his soul, see the world. He didn't want to go to Texas or Jacksonville, as I would have. Not Italy or Paris. He went to Sokovia to build houses for the poor." Lydia shifted in her seat. "He wanted to make a difference, I suppose. We'll never know 'cause we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass." 

Lydia looked away from Tony. However, the man wasn't done with his speech. "This isn't a decision. We need to be put in check. Whatever form that takes I'm game." Lydia shook her head, still not able to make herself agree. She couldn't. She wouldn't. "If we can't agree with them, then we are no better than the bad guys."

Lydia couldn't help the laugh that escaped. Natasha glanced in her direction, as did Sam. "Tony," Steve said. "If someone dies on your watch, you don't just give up."

"Who said anything about giving up?"

"We are if we sign," Steve crossed his arms, making himself look bigger. "If we don't take responsibility. The accords just shift the blame."

"That is arrogant," Rhodey spoke. "Dangerously arrogant. This is the UN. It's not SHIELD or Hydra."

"No, but people with agendas run it, and they can change. They always change." Lydia agreed with SHIELD.

"Yes, that is why I'm here," Tony walked closer. "When I realized my weapons weren't being used for what I made them for. I shut it down."

"Tony," Steve snapped. "You decided to do that. Once we sign, we surrender our right to choose. What if they send us somewhere bad? Or won't send us when we need to go? We aren't perfect, but the safest hands are our own."

"If we don't do this now, it will be forced upon us later."

"Are you saying they will come for me?" Wanda looked from Tony to Lydia. Fear rushed through Lydia as she realized what it all meant. Neither of them were, technically, US citizens. Wanda was under the Avenger's protection, as was Lydia. If they didn't sign, what happened then?

"We will protect you," Vision promised.

"Maybe Tony's right." Natasha's eyes were on Lydia. To her, all that mattered was keeping her protected. "If we have one hand on the wheel, we can still steer-"

"Aren't you the same woman the government to kiss her ass," Sam questioned.

"I'm just thinking of the future. We have made some big mistakes publicly. We need to gain the people's trust back."

"I'm sorry." Tony waved his hands dramatically. "Did you just agree with me?"

"Oh, I want to take it back now-"

"No, you can't retract." Tony wouldn't let her.

Before the conversation continued, Steve got a text. "I have to go." With that, Steve was gone. The others were still sitting around the table, watching as he shuffled out the door.

"So, we're all in agreeance then?" Tony gestured to the others. "We're signing?"

"No," Sam said, still holding his ground. "No, you are in agreeance. I am not signing this thing, period." His eyes went to Natasha. "You can't possibly think this is smart. I mean, come on." Sam pointed at Lydia. "If Hyrda comes one day, and they take her, what happens then?"

"Sam," Natasha warned.

"No, I'm serious. What if they get her? What happens then? You've signed your rights away. You have to wait for approval, and who knows how long that will take. What if they say no? What then?"

"This is a crazy hypothetical," Rhodey interrupted. "And highly unlikely."

"Just like aliens coming out of a portal in New York? That sounded pretty crazy to me until it happened."

"Look, you can say whatever you want, but at the end of the day, there are two options. Sign or retire."

"I'm not signing."

"Then you retire."

Lydia felt like her emotions were getting the better of her. All the yelling and arguing was too much. "Yeah? Who's going to make me?"

"We will," Rhodey stepped closer. "You're going to become just like them." 

Lydia couldn't hold back anymore. "Them?" Her eyes flickered to Rhodey. "You can say it. Hydra, right?" She looked around the room at the faces of her friends. "None of you have been on the other side of that. The only one who comes close is Wanda. You have no idea what you're talking about."


"No, no." She brushed off Natasha's hand. "No, all of you are talking like you have a clue what happens on the other side when you don't. They start out just like this—your best interests in mind. You believe what they say, and you do as you're told, or you're punished. You have no say. They make your choices for you." This time she looked only at Tony, anger evident in her features. "Now, who does that sound like, Hydra or the UN?" Tony clenched his jaw. "I won't sign away my rights by choice. I won't do that to myself again." With that, Lydia marched out of the room. 

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