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Tiny warning for a bit of swearing in this one.......a sick Hamster is a cranky, sweary Hamster.....


Jeremy stopped off at Richard's flat on their way back so they could pick up some fresh clothes and a toothbrush. He waited in the living area while his friend found what he needed in his room before they returned to the car and started the remaining four miles to Jeremy's flat.

They'd fought a bit at the start of the journey when Jeremy had turned the air conditioning up  to almost its highest setting and pointed the majority of the vents in the smaller man's direction.

"You f-f-uck-k-king m-moron!" Richard had squeaked, shivering hard as the cold air hit his overheated skin, "'M alread-d-y fr-free-heezing!"

"Mate," Jeremy had replied, slowing as he turned out of Dunsfold Park and indicating to go back to the main road, "We need to get your fever down - you're in serious danger of overheating here."

Richard scowled at him, shivering again, but otherwise he'd stayed silent.

And the entire trip to this point had been almost as quiet - aside from the occasional groan as the chills came and went or a mournful whine as aching, shivering limbs were stretched out. Jeremy kept a close side-eye on his friend, even keener now to get back to his flat and help him feel more comfortable.

Finally - just over an hour after they'd left Dunsfold - Jeremy's Range Rover pulled into the driveway of his London flat and he switched off the engine as the car came to a gentle stop.

Glancing sideways at his passenger, he had to chuckle a bit when he saw that Richard was still scowling at him - although the effect was rather diminished by his too-bright eyes and his pink flushed cheeks, and also by the miserable sniffle that broke the silence a few moments later.

"Let's get you inside, mate" he suggested, opening the driver's door and taking the few steps up to the front door of his house. Once he'd unlocked the door, he turned back to make sure Hammond was still following him.

He was, but very slowly and looking like he might fall over any second.

Jeremy almost wanted to go and help, but he knew full well that - while they were potentially being watched, his friend would kick and scrap to keep his independence. More importantly, if there was the potential that they were being watched by the paps, then he knew that there was no way Hammond would accept any form of help.

Even so, he was mildly surprised when - as soon as the front door closed behind them - he wasn't shrugged off when he went to steady his friend as he swayed ominously in the foyer.

"You want a shower or food or anything?" he asked, pretty sure he knew what his friend was going to say.

Sure enough....."I just want to sleep" the slightly whiny, miserable reply tugged at something deep in Jeremy's chest and he couldn't help but feel sorry for his poor friend.

"Come on then" he coaxed, taking Richard's jacket off him and leading him down to the guest room, carrying his overnight bag.

Turning the light on, he turned back to his friend - who was leaning against the doorframe as if it was the only thing holding him up (which, Jeremy supposed sadly, it probably was).

"I'll let you get changed and into bed, and I'll go sort something out in the kitchen" he suggested, getting a silent nod in reply as he left. Remembering how hot the smaller man's skin had felt earlier, he turned the fan on its highest setting before he closed the door behind him.

Left behind in the room, Richard sighed and shivered miserably; he hated being sick, hated it above almost everything else. It always left him feeling needy and miserable and it played horribly with his emotions. It was just awful.

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