Interviewing Black Veil Brides

Start from the beginning

"I forgive you Blue. But I promise you I'll use my everything to protect you. I love you so much" he hugs me tight

"I love you" I say... "Johnnie" I say

"what?" he ask calmly

"can you please stop spraying yourself with Ax or whatever that American spray stuff you spray on yourself is?" I ask

"hey I want to smell good" he giggles

"deodorant is just fine" I say "you spray so much. There is a lot on your clothes, I'm sorry but you must change" I say

He giggles at backs away from me "fine I'll do it just for you"

"we'll just let me help you with that" I step close to him
I put my hands on the bottom of his shirt "is this fine if I help you?" I ask

"yea" he smiles

I bite my bottom lip seductively. I take my sweet time pull his shirt off, when it is off I drop it on the floor. My door opens up and makes me jump a little "whoa what's going on here!" Bryan ask

"okay maybe knock next time" Johnnie grabs a new shirt to put on

"Dylan and Johnnie were about to F.U.C.k" he does a jingle

"no we were, he was getting changed I just. Had to tell him a secret" I lie
I was literally about to fuck Johnnie but nooo Bryan ruined that

"whatever.. Johnnie you ready to go?" Bryan ask

"go where?" I ask

"sorry I forgot to tell you, me and Bryan are gonna go interview a band" Johnnie says

"what band this time?" I ask

"Black Veil Brides again" Bryan says

"oh hell yea! I'm coming along. I want to help" I say excitedly
I get to go alone with Bryan and Johnnie to interview them, Angelina was nice enough to babysit Liam. Johnnie sits in the back of the car with me "oh my god Johnnie! I'm so excited to meet Black Veil Brides there my fav band ever. I think I'm gonna cry" I say

"no blue. Don't cry" Johnnie giggles

"I think I might" I say

"Dylan out of the band who are you excited to meet?" Bryan ask me

"Andy. Duh" I say "Johnnie plug your ear holes" I add

"why?" he ask

"just do it" I say

"I want to hear what you say" he says

"okay. Then.." I pause "Bryan, Andy Biersack is the most beautiful-fullest man I've ever seen, I wouldn't fuck him cause I have Johnnie but I would get pretty-

"horny around him" Bryan cuts me off

"exactly" I say

Bryan laughs "that is not funny" Johnnie crosses his arms

"how is that not funny Mr. Jealous much?" Bryan Jokes

"I am the only one who is suppose to full fill Dylan's desires" Johnnie says

"hey I never said I would do anything sexual with him, I only said that he-

"yes I know what you said" Johnnie cuts me off

The car ride is long and Bryan is still driving. I'm getting a bit edgy and bored "Johnnie" I whisper quietly in his ear

"what?" he whispers quietly back

"um I kinda need a cigarette" I whisper

"you know me to" Johnnie says. "Bryan" Johnnie says louder for him to hear

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