books(yu hao x xuan)

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When he went home the first think he did was sit and think. He thought about the face haunting him and started drawing.  After 3 or so hours he got a portrait of a cute guy with glasses. He was so tired that he stuffed it inside his drawer and went to a dream less sleep.

The next day it was time for English. Zen wen had made it his duty to mock the poor guy now that he is finally studying. He said some incoherent curses and stopped texting him as he reached the library. He took the English and physics guide . The paper spilled out from the physics guide and he eagerly read it.

:)you can call me that ,but I will say I am an educated young dude. Do you play any sports?

He drew a smiley face. Now that was what he needed to boost his down mood. He had asked him a question too. He might want to know him more.  He had face breaking grin on his face  as he wrote the note.

I love basketball. But I don't play in the school team because I am more of an art inclined person.

He started studying English ,venturing into the world of words and imagination.

The next day in school he received his date sheet for the upcoming tests. For some reason he felt satisfied, he just didn't ignore the paper . He had a goal . Finally. He walked home with the brothers being sickeningly sweet to each other .

That day the library felt different, there were less people . Probably because it was week end. He was studying chemistry and he as usual took the physics book out. There he saw another note. His heart did a little flip.

I love volleyball. I and my best friend are in the volleyball's awesome. You should probably ask the next question.

Yu hao smiled. He flipped the paper and thought about a question. He finally decided on asking:

Which grade are you in ?

He continued his studies.
This continued for a week or two. The mysterious boy was in grade 12,he was the manager of the team,he was in Ren He high school. He loves Kimchi and reading.
He has sister complex etc.
Yu hao always felt a slight tug in his heart when he saw the slip of paper waiting for him. Zen wen was weirded out all the time by the fact that the crappy boy was smiling like a fool.

Today he was gonna ask the question he wanted to ask for a long time.

Can we meet.?

The next day he had gone to school only to find a sad story waiting for him. Apparently a student had gotten into an accident and another one had gone missing. Nothing much was revealed to avoid unwanted rumours.

He still went to the library. But he was set in for a dissapointment. There was no note,no smiley or anything .his note was still between the book looking back at him mockingly.

There was no response for a month. During which his exams were over and he turned out to be third in class. After Zen wu and Zen wen respectively.
He had been writing notes ever day asking were he was,why he didn't respond,what he was doing. Then it started getting intimate by telling him he missed him and liked him.

Finally one day he got a response. It was really the most heartbreaking thing that has ever happened to him after his dad's death. An answer from the ghost.

Sorry. We cannot meet. I am dead.

The incongruity of the situation struck him. If he is dead then was the note from his ghost. The thought made him weirded out. He really didn't believe in ghosts.
But this was so convincing. So he wrote a letter back.

Come to meet me at the rooftop of yx building.

He didn't expect him to come but he didn't wanna lose faith just yet.

Hsia yu hao looked like the ghost itself. He was always angry and sad . He hardly ate properly and he was always lost in thoughts. Wen and wu was worried but they gave him time, that was a rule among them. If he wanted to speak then he will come on hos own accord.

Ever day hsia yu hao went to the rooftop and stayed there till the guy drove him off. He knew the more the days goes by the lesser the chance for him to meet him due to reincarnation. (Yes he read books on all that)

One day he went to the rooftop for another day of waiting. The sky seemed to be darker just like other days. Suddenly a low moan was heard . He looked around to see an apparition. A pale,dull unfocused figure stood there clutching his head.

"Hsia yu hao we meet "the guy said and yu hao lit up. This guy looked exactly like the guy he had drawn and dreamt about.

"You -You are-"yu hao was cot off by the guy.

"Qu zi xuan,the guy you were talking to"after his words a loud thunder interrupted them. Xuan looked up at the sky and sighed.

"The gods got so pissed at me crying and begging for more time ,that they kicked me out .
I can live if i get a true loves kiss otherwise I will-"now xuan's speech was cut of by the smaller running up to him and kissing him right on the lips. They kissed for a solid minute and stopped when their lips where numb.

"Qu zi xua  ,I like you or love you"yu hao said and they both laughed. A fair and pleasant shower fell from the sky .

"The goddesses are probably crying because of our beautiful love story"xuan said looking up at the sky. Suddenly a bright light erupted from xuan and he was soon looking healthy and tan than pale like a ghost.

"Wait,what about your parents? "Yu hao asked as xuan hugged him.

"Oh, they think I got kidnapped. My face was unrecognizable after the accident so they assumed it. I felt so bad to see them cry. I have to make up some lie and go back"xuan said.

"I am there with you. Let's go together"yu hao said and started walking towards the exit.

"Hey,yu hao ,I love you"xuan said stopping him in his tracks. He looked back and smiled at him.

"I love you too. Now lets go"yu hao said and they both ran to start anew.

crossing the line (oneshots) History2 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon