"Yes,you can surely get a flow if you concentrate "Chang li said and wen made a squealish noise of victory which made Chang li chuckle.

"So we will meet tomorrow at 7"Chang li asked getting up,wen nodded enthusiastically.

"YES...I mean yes we will"he said scratching his nape as he looked down.

"I am going then. Bye"he said quickly and ran out of the cafe .

He has never looked forward to a Tuesday as much as now ever before.

The next day...was amazing. He was late for school but he didn't care,he didn't get his morning coffee but he didn't care, he got an A instead of A+ in an assignmentbut he didn't care. It was a long ass day and it felt like 10,000 years by the time it was 7. And he looked like the whole world shit on him.

He dragged his way to cafe and was hit by the cool and homely atmosphere. The smell of coffee kind of lighten up his day ...kind of. He didn't wanna look like shit in front of the handsome owner. But not today.

"Hey. You okay? You don't look too good"the moment he dreaded was here.

"I am fine ,its just i had a long day" wen said and sat on the closest seat. Chang li literally left. Wen might have been offended but his feelings were drowned in a sea of happiness half a minute later with a coffee.

"Drink it up."Chang li said and gave the cutest smile to the younger. Wen felt better would be an understatement. He slowly let the warm drink slide through his tongue and the feeling he got was indescribable. It was a perfect blend of sweet and bitter ,with the right amount of toppings . It was heaven in a cup and probably the best drink he had ever had. He finished the drink soon and looked like he had proper rest and no shit went down that day.

"Wow,what was that "wen asked his voice couldn't conceal how good it tasted.

"Chang li special "Chang li said . He was happy to see the guy come back to life. He have also experienced bad school days and it sucked. He chuckled at his wide eyed fascination at the coffee.

"It's 7,why don't we start"he said again and wen nodded ready to start.

They both walked to the counter. Chang li was behind an excited wen. That's when he noticed wen had the cutest round ass he has ever seen...shoo shoo bad thoughts. He waved a hand internally shooing all the perverted thoughts away.

They entered the coffee making area . Wen looked ready to take over world knowledge and Chang li was eager to teach the short guy.

"So ,these are the coffe beans and these are the tools we will be using "Chang li said pointing to various equipment. Soon they were busy concentrating on grounding the beans ,blending the milk and so and so. Wen made a coffe after an hour of coaching but Chang li couldn't go past a sip as it was extremely bitter. Another try went down the sink as it was too sweet. Another half an later the perfect cup of tea was made. Chang li took a sip and rose his eyebrows staring into the cup. He took another one and another.

He looked to his side to see an anticipating look on wen's face as he looked up at him.

"That's the perfect cup"Chang li said proudly placing the cup on the table top and smiling at the younger. Wen looked like Christmas was here. He immediately perked up and lost all trace of dissapointment.

"Yes"he screamed all hugged Chang li bringing him down due to the height difference. It looked weird,their hug. It looked like wen was hanging from Chang li.
Chang li chuckled and hugged back . Wen retreated and looked at Chang li in the face to see if he is uncomfortable and sighed in relief to see him smile.

crossing the line (oneshots) History2 Where stories live. Discover now