Chapter 2

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"Hey ash I've been waiting for you!" Violet says jumping over the counter and throwing herself into my arms they close around her as I scan the area for any potential threats

"Hey violet" I mumble into her hair

"What took you so long" her eyes wide and curious

"I woke up rather late I couldn't sleep after I found some stuff out last night" I look down at her

"I'm sure what ever it was it can't be that bad?" Her eyes search my face

I should of said ,Nothing big just my dream girl is going to be married for a fucking business deal, instead I went with

"It's nothing you need to worry about ok?" She slowly nods

"Well then do you want a drink or are we just gonna go?" I nod my head toward the door and her megawatt smile comes to play as she grabs my hand dragging me out

"I brought my car today" I motion to the sleek black bike in front of the shop

"That is not a car!" She smacks my chest and her hands wander over the black chrome

"I can bring my car next time? It's a classic 78' mustang"her eyes widen

"Please! Oh my god I've always wanted one they're so sleek and sexy" she fumbles over her words making me smile as she climbs on my bike

Fuck me, this is by far the sexiest thing I've seen in my life, she leans forward to hold the handles and arches her back before I can stop myself I take a picture with my phone

"What- did you take my picture? At least let me pose!" She kicks her feet on the handles and leans back on the seat I bring my phone up for another picture and I was wrong this is the sexiest thing I've seen in all my twenty years on this planet

"Let's go I want to see this bad boys power!" She bounces on the seat and I have to literally shake my head to rid the though of her doing it to me

I climb on In front of her and hand her my helmet once she's secure her arms wrap around means I savor the moment before the engine roars to life and we speed to her townhouse

I weave in and out of the heavy afternoon traffic I panic for a second when her legs wrap around my waist and her arms fly in the air

I wish I could see the smile on her face

We pull up to the curb and she yells hold on and pulls a opener out of her bag and one wall opens into a garage

"You aren't leaving this beauty out on the street" so I follow her instruction and head in the garage

"What made you so sure I was going to stay?" I ask as she closes the doors

"Because no man looks at a woman the way you do me and refuses and invitation inside" she quickly jumps off the bike and the minute my feet touch the floor she jumps on me her lips meeting mine and I hold her closely

"The stairs to the left lead into my house" she groans as my lips find her neck

Once we make it inside her fingers pull my band shirt from my torso

"Bedroom?" She asks breathlessly

"I..." My body moves without my permission

"Come on don't let me down now" she purs in my ear and I throw her on the couch

"God your so beautiful" she sits up and pulls her shirt over her head before pulling me on top of her


"You've lost you're bite" she bites my neck surely leaving a mark and only then do I find my words

"I can't do this!"

"What?"she covers her chest with her hands

"You're engaged I can't just .... It's wrong no matter how interesting and beautiful I find you" I tug my hair

"How... How do you know that?" Panic flashes in the violet irises I love so much

"A friend warned me, please violet I just... I want you more than I've ever wanted anything in my life don't let me fall without the intention of catching me" I pull her hands so she no longer covers herself and I pull her to my chest

"I would never let you fall and not offer you a hand up" she looks up at me and I bring my lips back to hers

"I don't want to marry him ash but my dad insist it's better for us-"

"You're dad?" She nods with tears in her eyes

"My dad is Marco Diaz"

"You're father is the Marco Diaz as in the mob boss Marco Diaz?" She nods

"I'm sorry I didn't know you knew" she wipes her eyes

"Well I'm already a dead man" I tell her and she seals her lips to mine and she tugs on my belt

"I will not be sold to this man a virgin either you help me or go so I can find someone who will" she tells me as my jeans hit the floor

" I'm not going anywhere"

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