I was upset when the class was over but then Karson started walking me to Astrology. “You looked so interested in that class. It also seemed like you knew the teacher.”

“I do know the teacher. She was my mother’s friend.” I explained, the thought of my mother made my heart squeeze. I remember the image of my mother and sisters huddling from the flames, the blackened ash of their clothes and the horrifying picture of their skin melting away leaving muscle, blood, and bones.

I shivered from the memory. “You okay?” Karson asked, I looked at him and gave him a forced smile.

“Yup, just memories.” I told him.

“Of who?” he asked.

I froze, “My family.”

“What happened to them?” he asked concerned.

“They died. In a fire.” I briefly explained.

“The same one as John?” he inquired.

“Yes, the same one as John.” I whispered, “Because of John.”

“I’m sorry.” He told me. Yeah you should be, I thought, well not you but someone related to you. “What are you talking about?”

“I believe I was thinking not talking. You wouldn’t know anyway, it’s not of your concern.”

“I believe it is of my concern saying it is about my family.” He answered. I flinched, I had a conversation just like this with John. Only problem is, I don’t remember how it ended.

“It is about my friends.”

“You were friends with my family?” he asked alarmed.

“Yes, your great-great-great grandmother and great-great-great Uncle.” I explained.

“What about my grandfather?”

“Never met him.” I lied quickly and felt a pain erupt in my stomach causing me to clutch it.

“Tori are you okay?” he asked worriedly. He placed his hand on my shoulder and felt the same feeling I did with John before he went vampire. Safe.  

“Oh my god, you’re not pregnant are you?” he asked frantic.

“What? No!” I exclaimed. “I’m fine.” I said and continued walking. I walked quickly and found my way to class and sat down.

“Good, I have never been around pregnant women before so I would have been useless.” He sighed.

“You have a younger sister.” I stated matter-of-factly.

“I know, I was two. You think I had any idea why my mother was fat one minute and not the next? I could barely speak full sentences.”

I laughed; it was one of the rare moments that I actually do laugh. Ever since the incident, very few things have made me laugh—James has been he doesn’t count. But Karson, someone who I am just getting to know just made me laugh. It felt… great.

“Anyway, so what do we do in this class?” I asked changing the subject.

“Look at stars.” He said pointing to the projector in the middle of the room and the curved ceiling. When did they put a planetarium in here?

“They put it in when the school first opened, lots of students wanted to learn about stars so they put it in—“he was cut off by an obvious squeal of a girl.

“Karson!” A girl squealed. Then he was attacked by a girl with fake blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked like Barbie. What is it with girls in the 2000s that they have to look like Barbies?

“Hey Coral.” Karson greeted awkwardly patting her back as she hugged him tightly. “Help me,” he mouthed to me. I smirked and shook my head. He scowled at me and then gently pulled Coral off of him.

I looked at Coral and glared. She reeked of seawater and seaweed. She also wore a really small bikini top with a pair of very short denim shorts. God, I hate mermaids.

Karson laughed, obviously at my thoughts, and then I Coral turned and glared at me. “What is that?” Coral asked Karson while she glared at me. Did she seriously not know I was here?

“‘That’ is Tori Blake. She is a friend of mine. She knew James back when they were children.”

Coral smirked, “I see, you’re a bloodsucker.”

I smirked, “I see you’re a fish person.”

 “At least I don’t have fangs.” She smirked as if she thought that would insult me.

“At least I don’t have scales.” I smirked as I saw I was getting to her. She glared at me, and I saw Karson watching me with amusement and curiosity.

“At least I’m not a bitch.” She squeaked.

“At least I’m not a whore.”  I said with smile. I then turned around in my seat so I have the last word. I then hear her retreating heels on the floor as she goes to her seat.

“Thank you.” I hear Karson sigh relieved.

I laughed, “I take it you don’t like her.” He nods and I laugh again. “Why does she like you so much?”

“I don’t know!” he exclaimed. “I can’t help that I am cursed with good looks and charm.” He then rested his head on his arms, “I blame my family.”

“What a wonderful thing to blame.” I replied cheerily while he was still brooding, I began to listen to the teacher.

The class passed by slowly, and so did the others. Whatever classes Coral had with me and Karson she would see Karson smile and then see me and glare at me and walk away. The best part is I didn’t even do anything. I just stood there confused. I really hate teenagers.

I really hope you enjoyed that! It was short but it had some humor… I hope. I don’t know why but I am always extremely paranoid that people won’t find my stories funny… its like one of my major fears. And rejection. And clowns. And horror films. And the creepy monkey doll from the Woman in Black. I know, watched the whole movie and I was only scared of that doll.

Anyway, I hope you liked it. Comment, Like, vote, and most importantly hate John because I know we all do.

Team Karson!

V----V Vampireluver23

Kneeling in Ashes (OLD VERSION)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora