Chapter 38 - Monkey D. Luffy the Circus Performer

Comenzar desde el principio

Bartolomeo - Luffy's assistant/partner

Marco - Ace's helper

Koala - Sabo's helper

Curly Dadan - Garp's helper

Ivankov - Dragon's helper

Penguin and Bepo - Law's helper

Carrot - Rogue's helper

EVERYONE IS RELATED TO EACH OTHER EXCEPT THE ASSISTANTS (except Dadan because she raised the boys in the actual story)

[Circus AU? And instead of Monkey D. Luffy, i'm using Monkey Dee Luffy]

Monkey Dee Luffy is an acrobat for the Dee Family Circus. He has been an official performer since he turned 16 (He is 19 now.) He is in the acrobat expert of his family circus and his offseason is finally going to end.

Luffy was currently at a diner waiting for the rest of his friends, Zoro, a green-haired tall guy was already there. Usopp, a funny guy with a long nose was there too.

Around 30 minutes later all of his friends were there. Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, Jinbe were currently chatting and ordering their meals.

"Hey, guys I got to let you know something." Everyone looked towards the young acrobat.

"I know we only met 3 months ago, but I never told you about my job," Luffy said with giddiness.

Everyone had their focus on him now.

"I usually don't tell a lot of people because if I feel like they are not going to be in my life, why tell them?" Luffy laughed, "But I like you guys so I wanted to tell you before I disappear for a few months."

Some of the friends looked a bit shocked by the statement.

"What do you mean disappear?" Nami asked.

"Well, I am a circus performer, and I am an acrobat for the Dee Family Circus." Luffy smiled at the thought of his family.

Chopper basically had stars in his eyes. "OH MY GOD REALLY!" the others looked just as shocked, the Dee Family is the number one circus in the world.

Luffy nodded.

"I am surprised we didn't find out sooner, after all, your middle name is Dee," Robin said as she giggled.

"How long is the tour bro?" Franky asked.

"Roughly six months since we do tour around the world. Though I really like you guys and I can tell that we are going to be friends for a long time-," the group smiled at that.

"I want you to go to our biggest show during the tour, It will be in Lougetown, where my uncle started the show." Luffy grabbed nine circus entry tickets.

"It's 3 months away, but I'll pay for your plane tickets," Luffy said happily.

Luffy has been on the road for 3 months already. He is ready to see his friends again and kill it on the show.

He was currently flying through the air with his assistant, Bartolomeo practicing his trapeze act.

Roughly an hour later he was sitting down chugging a jug of water.

"Hey Luffy" a soothing voice came across Luffy's ears.

He saw his brothers walking towards him.

"You ready for tonight little man?" Ace ruffled Luffy's head.

"OH YEAH, my friends are going to be here too, it's going to be awesome." Luffy was basically radiating happiness.

"This is the group of friends you met a while ago right?" Sabo sat down next to Luffy.

Luffy nodded and the three continued to chat until it was time to get ready for the show.

It was roughly an hour and thirty minutes into the show, Luffy's friends got to Loguetown alright, and were enjoying the show.

Roger, of course, welcomed everyone to the show.

The first act was Roger's wife, the animal tamer Rogue with her assistant Carrot.

She got lions, bears, and elephants to play with her, carry her, and throw her into the air.

Next was Dragon's magic/illusion act.

He was demonstrating the acts of levitation, escapism, prediction, and restoration which wowed the crowd with no failure.

Garp demonstrated his strength along with his assistant Dadan.

Garp lifted cars, some of Rogue's animals, and juggled Dadan with several other objects.

The pyro twins gave a show which erupted the whole circus tent with applause and cheers. Eating, breathing, making art with fire and more.

Then the highlight of the show, well to Luffy's friends was Luffy's performance.

Luffy and his assistant Bartolomeo were going to perform their double trapeze act.

Luffy was now swinging through the air and was now on the main rope. He was hanging by his knees as Bartolomeo went to join them on the same rope.

They were creating beautiful shapes which often scared the audience.

They separated and decided to swing and carry each other through the other ropes and do amazing tricks such as flips and demonstrating their 'leaps of faith' which made Usopp and Chopper scream out of fear for their friends.

Luffy was then doing a solo performance of his hanging off silk fabric. Twisting and turning, falling and catching himself and much more.

As Luffy finished, he did a bow and was applauded by everyone.

It was the end of the show and everyone who performed lined up in front of their audience and bowed.

Luffy then went to his dressing room and changed, he told his family members he would be back soon and congratulated them on another successful show.

He was outside now, and he saw his friends laughing and eating their snacks.

"Hey, guys!" Luffy ran over to them, and everyone congratulated him. They talked about his performance and had a good time.

That was the time that the gang found out about Luffy being an acrobat for the circus.

I actually really love what I wrote here, please review I want to hear your thoughts!

Up Next: The Professional Cellist

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