Personal Space

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"Elphie! Are you even listening to me?!" Galinda cried childishly, flopping down on the emerald-skinned girl's dull gray bed. Elphaba briefly met the blonde's gaze, huffing and returning to her book.

In truth, Elphaba didn't really care about what Galinda had to say about ShenShen and Pfanee's many attempts of flirtation with various boys and whatever supposedly humorous thing one or the other had said that day.

Elphaba could feel the bed shifting with the movement of her roommate. However, she certainly didn't expect to feel warm puffs of breath on her face. Her mocha-toned eyes snapped up and she was terribly shocked to find Galinda staring right into her face much nearer than Elphaba had ever thought she'd be.

She immediately began leaning back further, trying to get away from the annoying girl who insisted upon interrupting her quiet time. Much to Elphaba's dismay, the blonde simply followed her and moved in more.

"With your face in such close proximity as it is, I strongly feel the urge to ward it off," Elphaba told her, a warning tone in her voice as she attempted to lean back further into the headboard that she was already practically smashed against. Galinda simply pushed herself forward a bit more and stuck her button nose against the green-skinned girl's slightly hooked one.

"Elphie, I simply do not understand why you must be so unpleasant. Do lighten- EEEEEEK!!!! You licked me!" Galinda shrieked, drawing back with the great speed that Elphaba had anticipated. The pretty pink monstrosity swiftly took a handkerchief from her friend's pocket and dabbed at her nose.

Elphaba smirked with a chuckle, looking back down at her book.

"Perhaps if you had any respect for personal space, I would not have had to do that," she snickered a bit with a self-satisfied glance across from her at the blonde.

"That was positively mean! And not to mention disgusticifying!" Galinda whined. Once she seemed to be certain of the fact that she had rid herself of all spit, she eyed Elphaba with a puzzled expression. Elphaba watched her through her peripheral vision, pondering what things could be floating through the other girl's airy brain.

"So... What's too much?" Elphaba immediately caught on to the intent of the question and evaded it with a smarmy response.


"You know what I mean," the blonde impatiently waved her off with a huff. Elphaba didn't say anything for a moment and it soon occurred to Galinda that she was no longer paying attention. "Elphie!"

"What?" Elphaba mimicked her roommate's annoying wail with a nasally one of her own.

"You're not listening again! Now what for you is too much? Obviously, me in your face bothers you."

"You are so very shrewd to observe that," Elphaba sarcastically remarked, flipping a page in her book and seeming to be totally engrossed in it.

"Elphie," Galinda complained, grazing the green-skinned girl's hand in an attempt to grab it. Elphaba immediately flinched at the contact, drawing away nigh instinctively.

As soon as she did that, she knew that Galinda would catch on to the ultimate root of the problem before long and would likely not refrain from pestering her for an agonizingly long time.

"Wait- you... You haven't been touched much in your life, have you?" Galinda questioned. The blonde was able to easily conclude this simply from Elphaba's fearful glance and the way she protectively tucked the hand that Galinda had attempted to take in the folds of her dress.

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