Chapter 1 : Who's That Girl

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A/n: I just had to add this song. I may be only 15 but I love the old stuff. You can play it if you want but lets start the story.

Randy's POV

As I walk to my locker, me and my best friend Howard are talking about what happend during the weekend. I open my locker and put my bag in it grabbing some books for math including my Ninja Nomicon in disguise. I look over next to me slightly and I see a girl with (h/c) and (e/c), she's wearing a black tanktop with red paid shirt unbuttoned over it. I see her putting a bunch of things in her locker, I didn't pay attention what. All I paid attention to was her beauty.

"Ok bye lover boy" I hear a sudden voice coming from Howard. I quickly turn to him as he turned away from me walking away.

I closed my locker, ran over to Howard and faced him.

"What makes you think I like her?" I asked him whispering as we both walked to class.

"Uuumm, you were starring at her blushing and weren't even listening to me anymore." Howard said with anger.

"Well I don't like her, she's not even my type. She just looked familiar to me and I was trying to figure out who. Nothing else promise."

Howard looked at me testing, "Fine" he said finally convinced.

I give a sigh of relieve. I know that he's my friend but I don't want him to know that stuff about me. If he knew I have a crush on that girl, he would probably tell her without thinking. And that would would be bad.

Me and Howard sit at our spots in class and waited for the teacher to come in. I then see the girl as before come in and take a random seat.

'She's in the same class as me, that's so bruce'  I thought as I blush then I start to doodle on line paper.

When the bell rung, Mrs. Driscoll came into class and spoke in front of the class, "Ok class now before we start, I have a couple announcements. We have a new student, young lady would you like to introduce yourself?"

The girl I like stood up from her seat, walked to the front of the class, and spoke in a shy-ish voice. "Hi...I grew up in Virginia City, I like Gravepunchers, and I...moved here for reasons I cannot say... Thank you" She bowed and then walked back to here seat. 

'What the shoob?? Did she seriously bow?? She's shy, but she's very professional' I thought as my eyes followed her back to her seat. My eyes then turn back to Mrs. Driscoll as she started speaking again.

"Ok now next is that today we are switching seats for the new semester, but this time you guys can pick your own seats. So go ahead." And right after that the whole class started moving.

I knew exactly where I wanted to sit. I look around to see where the girl had gone, but turns she hadn't moved an inch from her seat. I get up and walk over. I try not to be awkward and try to slip on the seat to make it look like I was already there in the first place. But then I realized that the whole class was moving seats so I give myself a facepalm imagining on how dumb I just looked. I look over to the girl and see that she's drawing. I see that everyone was seated and Mrs. Driscoll had already started teaching. I grab a piece of line paper and right a note that reads 'Whatcha draw'n?' and I slide it over in front of her. I quickly look over at the teacher and looked at the corner of my eye. She looks at me and starts righting on the sheet of paper. 

When she's done she slides over back to me reading, 'Why do you care? your suppose to be paying attention to the teacher.' I look at her and turn back again writing, 'I'm just curious and it's not like you're paying attention either' I slide it back over to her. Almost immediately I get a note back from her saying, 'I am paying attention. Other than you I can do things more than one at a time' I felt stressed at this point. I didn't mean to fight with her. Turns out she more complicated than what I thought. 'what happened to the shy professional??' I thought as I started writing saying, 'Ok, I'm sorry I asked. I wont ask again. I didn't want to fight with you, I just wanted to make friends with you so we can last through the semester without any problems' It took a little longer than last time to answer back. It read, 'oh ya like stalking and staring is going to happen. Your worse then your little friend ya know. He seems to only do stalking, but it seems like you just can't get enough you creep!' I felt torn. I would never stalk or stare at her...ok, maybe I stared a few times but it wasn't on purpose. I'M NO CREEP!!!! Maybe she got me mixed up with someone else. So I started writing explaining how I never stalked her and how I would never stalked her. When I get the paper back it reads, 'I didn't mistake you for someone else because you weren't far away and I saw your face completely. You followed me almost the whole way to school, and you followed me to this class!' I looked at this explanation I shock. I wrote what I thought that would thing she would think this. It may be a misunderstanding. I didn't follow her to class obviously, although wise I would have been kick out of this class and I was just walking to school with my buddy so it must mean that we live near each other. I hand her the sheet again and see her reaction. Her anger seems to be going away and thinking of...something. I see her write and give it back to be. It reads, 'This actually makes a lot of sense. I'm sorry. But just so you know, I still don't trust you' I just rolled my eyes. I then hear the call of the Nomicon. I grab the book in disguise and shoobed into the Nomicon. I fall onto a Piedmont and words popped up in the sky. I read it out loud, "Beware of the unknown who seeks the unknown. Oh great, another riddle I don't understand! What's next, a time bomb?" The Nomicon showed a picture of a dragon rolling it's eyes. I then get sucked into it's mouth and wake up back it class. I see the new girl standing against a wall waiting. I sit up.

"Well it's about time your up. Class is over you're skipping your next class" The new girl said.

"wait..What???" I say with confusion. I look around and no one is in the room except us. 'Where's the teacher?' I thought.

"Mrs. Driscoll is at lunch if you where wondering" The girl said as if she read my mind.

"I think I should catch up to my next class" I said getting up.

"You are not going anywhere. Sit back down"

I was so surprised by her tone in her voice I was a bit frightened. I sat back in my seat.

"So uh..what do you want?" I ask.

"I want to know, how you passed out  right after you opened your math book? How did you even pass out with your eyes rolled backwards and eyes open? And why pull the math book out when we were in Science? Give me answers NOW!"

I was shocked. One things for sure, she's a lot smarter than everyone else.

"I uhhh..." I had no idea how to answer that, but in order to give her no suspicions, I had to think quickly.


This took like a month to finish. Hope the second Chapter doesn't take as long 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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