It was...extremely attractive.

No. Harry needed to step away from that line of thought immediately. He and Draco were simply hanging out because of his injury. They wouldn't be friends otherwise. Harry needed to remember that, or he was going to make a fool out of himself.

Yes, Draco was astonishingly good-looking and Harry had a hard time keeping control of his body whenever they got too close or Draco gave him one of those flirty smiles. But Harry could manage the butterflies in his stomach and the stirrings in his jeans so long as he reminded himself that he and Draco had nothing in common. They would never work together.

Harry took things as they came and wore his heart on his sleeve. Draco liked to play games. Harry was thrifty and Draco clearly liked the finer things in life. Harry could barely walk in a straight line while Draco glided like an angel sent from heaven.

There was little point in making himself crazy over a bit of lust. The show would be over by Friday. In three days, everything would be done and dusted and chances were Harry wouldn't see Draco again. Yes, the theatre circuit in London was pretty tight, but Draco was in ballet and travelled all over the world. Their paths weren't likely to cross.

Unless Draco added Harry on Facebook. Or took his number.

No, Harry wasn't going to hope for anything like that and he certainly wasn't going to suggest it himself. It would be best all round if he lest Draco Malfoy slip from his life.

Harry needed to find a boyfriend more like himself. There was that Cedric guy he'd hooked up with a little while back. Maybe he should call him back?

Harry's musings were interrupted as Lockhart decided to rearrange one of the scenes, changing up the cues and blocking and even some of the props. So Harry had to leave Draco sitting alone for the rest of the afternoon as he ran around making sure everything was in order and liaising with the backstage crew.

By the time Harry went to take a seat again to observe the rehearsal, Draco had gone.

Harry frowned. They still had a couple of hours before they wrapped for the day. Had Draco left for home? That wasn't like him to miss out on a single second of the goings on. Harry felt Draco was determined to be one hundred percent up to speed by the time he came back into the production.

Harry laughed to himself. He realised Draco was rubbing off on him. He had thought 'when' – not 'if' – he would come back.

Harry had faith in him. Which is why his absence now worried him.

Trelawny was going over one of the numbers with the female members of the cast and Lockhart was sprawled out over several chairs with a cold compress over his forehead. Draco could very well be hanging out with the other guys in one of the dressing rooms, or perhaps he'd gone with one of them to get coffee.

Not Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes at himself. For fuck's sake. The man was allowed to have friends. He didn't have to hang out with Harry twenty-four-seven. This spike of jealousy was fucking ludicrous.

Still, Harry couldn't entirely justify why he found himself wandering backstage. He told himself that the number they were rehearsing was the most solid of almost the entire production, so he wasn't needed. And he just wanted to make sure Draco was okay.

Fine. He was perhaps a little bit besotted. But it wasn't really hurting anyone, was it? He wasn't expecting anything to come from it. So why not make sure their star performer hadn't fallen down a stairwell and needed an ambulance?

Of course Draco wasn't sprawled at the bottom of the stairs. But he wasn't with Zabini and the other guys in the break room either. Zabini's face lit up when Harry poked his head around the door, though.

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