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Peters POV
   I ran down the street, jacket flying in all directions. I shoved my Spiderman suit in my backpack. I stopped in front of the orphanage.  I took a deep breath and walked in. There was the typical fighting and laughing and some faint crying herd once you shut the door behind you. It gave me a headache and advanced hearing does not help. I walked up to the lady at the desk. She looked up from her book and I could clearly see her kind round face, black glasses and long curly brown hair.
   "Hello Peter. Bullies again?" Judy said to me.
   "Ya. I don't know why they don't like me. I mean, I'm beautiful." I joked. She laughed and rolled her chair back.
   She reached from the mini-fridge underneath the desk and gave me some ice for the bruise that was forming on my head. I took the bad gratefully and rested it on the bruise.
   "Do you have any Aspirin?" I asked. She smiled and handed me the pill. I thanked her and swallowed the pill with a big gulp of water.
I ran down the hall towards the boys sleeping dorm. I say dorm cause it's not a room. Imagine a massive play room with 3 twin beds and 2 queen beds on opposite ends. Thats basically the boys dorm. I sat down in the corner and started on my homework. No less than 10 minutes later, three boys came stalking up to me. There names were George, Sam and Randy.
"Hey wimpy Parker! What do you have there?" George said reaching for my homework.
"Homework but you don't know what that is do you?" I replied sarcastically.
"Hey watch it wimp!" Sam said.
"Ya watch it wimp!" Randy repeated. I swear he just repeats everything. Like on Doctor Who. George grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me closer to him. Then he punched me. Hard in the side of my head. He dropped me then Sam and Randy proceeded to kick me. They stopped when a voice yelled over the noise of the orphanage. They straitened up.
"Boys!! Stop that ruckus. There are people her who want to take in you brats so I'd shut up and behave." The caretaker, Mrs.Ronna, shouted.
"Yes ma'am." All the boys said. I brushed myself off. I walked out of the dorm and headed to the bathroom. I passed Miss Harold who was scolding a little girl.
"Hey Miss Harold! Did you hear about the people who are here to adopt? If you want her gone, I suggest you don't damage her face. " I said. Miss Harold rounded on me she smirked.
"Your right, Parker. You may go now Lillian." She said.
The girl, Lillian, nodded appreciation to me and sprinted off to the girls dorm. Miss Harold looked in the direction Lillian ran off to until she turned the corner. She turned and looked at me with a evil look in her eyes.
"Well Parker, we both know you won't be adopted anytime soon with that face so..." she back handed me on my face. I doubled over. She leaned in close to my ear. "Don't even think about doing that again." She kicked me on my back which sent me sprawling. She kicked me in the gut one more time and walked away. I lay on the cold floor for a second then pull myself up and go back to my corner in the boys dorm. Well, I'm going to be sore in the morning. 

Hello good people of Wattpad. I've been having this idea for a while so I wanted to make it happen. Uh ya. My hands are a bit full with my other books but whatever. Goodbye now!
Abigail Kenobi signing off.
Word Count: 632

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