Leon's Campaign: Prologue

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Some years have passed since Leon Kennedy and I got married and had two kids, Dante and Maggie. He took me to Spain to rescue the president's daughter, and we've bonded like rope. We know everything about each other, from his time and day of birth to my averages in high school. Leon and I have been together since we laid eyes on each other in 2004. 

It's 2013 now, and the threats of bio-terrorism have spread across the world. I ponder the though of how survivors are managing to live with the c-virus spreading like wild fire. It makes me insane to think about that. 

I am proud to say that I am an official agent of the United States Secret Service like my husband is. I have gotten a ton better with my aim and temper. The only thing that sucks about it is that Leon won't let me go on missions with him. He went to the Eastern Slav Republic without me and left me alone and stuck at home for two whole weeks. I'd slapped him when he got back, but apologized with a make out session in his car. He's been more secretive lately, and I want to know why. 

He sits in his office chair at his desk in our room in his apartment. I am blasting music while I play Final Fantasy XIII on my PlayStation 3. I'm sitting on my bed while I play. Leon seems annoyed with me, but I sure hope that he doesn't ask me to turn down my music because I am really enjoying myself. I've had four cups of coffee today and I feel fantastic. 

"Leonor!" Leon shouts over the music. 

I look at him, pausing my game. "Yes, gorgeous?" 

"I have to go see the president soon in Tall Oaks. It's not too far away, just a couple of hours. I'll be back possibly in a few days," he answers with a serious tone and face. 

I suddenly lose all of my happiness, like it's been drained out of my body. I put my controller next to me and reach my arms out to him. He gets up and comes over to me. He gently pushes me down on the bed and lies comfortably on top of me. 

"You are not leaving without me, Mr. Grumpy Pants. I will hide in your car if that's what it will take." I protest, holding his face with my hands.

"Baby, I have to. I leave tomorrow morning," he says quietly. 

I smile at him and kiss him, hooking my legs together around his waist. "Then we can have some fun before you leave." 

"Oh, really? Is that so? Don't tell me you want me to play Final Fantasy with you, he whispers, a grin on his face. 

I roll us over so I am on top of him. I pin his arms down and smile at him. "You're the only one I know that can beat this part." 

He sighs like he knew that that's my answer. I get off of him and he sits cross-legged in front of the TV with me in his lap. I give him the controller and watch him beat the boss battle that I can never figure out how to do. But I watch carefully and take mental notes as he guides me through it once again. 

When he is finished, he hands me the controller and lets me sit in his lap as I play. His hands are locked around my waist, and in every cut-scene on the game, I hold his hands and kiss him. 

Suddenly his phone goes off, and I hand it to him and I pause my game. He answers it, and his face flushes. "Y-Yes. I'll be there soon. Thanks, Hunnigan," he stammers. He takes the phone off of my ear slowly, hanging up. He looks down at me and says, "I really have to go now, Leonor. There was an incident..."

I get off of his lap so he can get up. "Please let me go with you, Leon. It's late, you look tired, and-"

"No! You need to stay here with Dante and Maggie. It's too dangerous." He insists, his voice suddenly stern.

"I can call Buddy! Calm down, Leon. Take a deep breath."

"Leonor," he breathes, "you need to stay here with our babies. They need you, not Buddy." 

Maggie and Dante, our beautiful fraternal twins, were born a year after Leon and I got married, which was in 2006. They are seven years old and sometimes emotionally stronger than myself. 

My heart sinks, disappointed that Leon never lets me go with him. I sigh and keep quiet. I don't want to make Leon even more frustrated, so I save my game, turn it off, and head downstairs. I take a seat on the couch and watch TV. 

When Leon appears downstairs, he has gun holsters on his hips and one for a shotgun on his back. Whatever he has to do seems like it really is dangerous if he's taking guns with him. He comes over to give me a kiss, and I hug him tightly. 

"I want to know everything, Leon, and if you don't tell me..." my voice trails off. 

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I promise I'll be home soon. Call me anytime you're worried about me." He tells me.

"Honey, I'm worried now. Just please let me go with you, baby. Buddy won't mind watching the kids. He loves them. Please. I'm your partner!" I beg, fake tears forming in my eyes. 


I push him away and get up. "No! You're gonna scold me again, aren't you? What, are you hitting on other girls? Are you taking guns to show off? Is that why you're not letting me go?" 

"Calm down! It's just..." Leon's voice trails off, and suddenly it feels like the fake tears are becoming real. 

"It's true, isn't it?" I cry. "You can just go. I'm gonna go to Buddy's with the kids." 

"Leonor!" Leon shouts. "Calm down, please! I love you to pieces, and you know I wouldn't ever cheat on you. I couldn't do that to the only woman I love with all of my heart. The reason that I don't want you going is because there's been a bio-terrorism attack in Tall Oaks, where my mission is." 

I can't believe I really thought that he was cheating on me. I stop crying and run into his arms, feeling like a complete idiot. I kiss him a million times, never wanting to let my baby go. But eventually, he pulls away slowly, letting me know that it is time for him to go. 

Before he leaves, he says, "You know the drill if you see zombies. Keep our plan in mind at all times. It may become needed. I love you." 

"I love you more, Leon. Good luck, and don't forget to call me when you can." I say softly. 

He nods once and closes the door behind him, leaving me alone with just the TV on. I sigh heavily, wishing that I could've gone with Leon. Then I brew up an idea. 

I dash for my home phone and dial Buddy's number, pressing the phone on my ear. After three rings, he answers, and I suddenly feel like I am intruding. 

"Hey, sis. Why are you calling at midnight? Is everything okay?" He asks tiredly. 

"I'm gonna leave Maggie and Dante with you for a while. Leon has to go to Tall Oaks and I want to go with him." I explain. 

"Well, Jake's here and we'd be happy to watch them. Good luck, Leonor." 

"Thanks, Buddy. I knew I could count on you." I say. I end the call and put the phone back on the charger. 

I head upstairs and get dressed in blue jeans, a black t-shirt with a blue vest and my favorite knee high black heeled boots. I attach a nylon shoulder harness on my body and slide my knife into its scabbard. I put my holsters on my hips and I tie my long, dirty blonde hair into pigtails. I slide my pistols in their holsters and sneak into my kids' room. They lie in their beds asleep, and I carefully pick each of them up in my arms. 

I trained so much that I can actually pick up twice my weight, and hybrid werewolf/vampire powers have also contributed in my enormous strength. All of my friends are jealous of my abilities, but it honestly doesn't bother me. After all, I am one of the four hybrids in the world. 

I carefully bring Dante and Maggie to my car. I put them quietly in their carseats and kiss each of their heads softly, sending them a message that they are safe. I hop in the driver's seat and start the car, getting myself ready for anything that may happen.

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