You were overwhelmed. You were pregnant with your ex-boyfriend's baby. You had to take a few days off because you can't keep it together long enough to perform your duties. This was affecting your life. He was affecting your life.

Taron couldn't comfort you. He didn't know how and you were so (rightfully) angry with him. He screwed up.

"I'm okay," you said with a queasy smile.

Everyone at the table could tell you weren't. You looked like you were about to throw up. Your mother's hand never left your back. Your father was worried as he looked at you. Taron's mother handed you some water which you gratefully took. The water cooled everything in your body as you drank it. At least for a moment. Taron waited to make sure you were all right before continuing.

Taron nodded as he tried not to falter under your father's gaze. "This is my baby— It's our baby and I intend on being there for it and for Y/N. Because of this, Y/N and I will be moving in together. As co-parents and so I can help her out while she's pregnant."

Your father furrowed his brows. "Are you kidding me? Is he kidding?"

Your mother said your father's name.

You stood abruptly. "I need some air."

You moved away from the table and left the restaurant. Your mind was reeling but you were thinking of her for some reason. The woman that blew up your relationship and in turn cause Taron to blow up your life. She probably wasn't knocked up and left by her ex-boyfriend. She was probably living her life and nothing's derailed it. You should've gotten rid of it? It's too late now but if you had... you wouldn't be having this problem. It's not that you didn't want a baby. You did. You did when you thought you'd marry Taron and have his babies. Have a family with him. You thought he wanted to make you happy.

Did he make her happy? Did they smile and laugh together like she used to do with him? Where is she?

Taron exited the restaurant to find you hadn't gone very far. You were leaning against a light post. He moved towards you. You felt his presence.

"Where is she, Taron?"

The man scratched his chin as he came around the light post and into your view. You looked into his beautiful eyes. You loved those eyes.

"We... After you and I broke up, I never pursued her," Taron admits.

You shut your eyes. "Why not?"

Because what he said was true that night. He loved you. He loves you. Your head hurt.

"I didn't love her. I just... You weren't home much and it was a crazy time for you which I get, but I missed you. She talked to me and we had lunch together sometimes and I guess... I don't know."

It was a weird time in their relationship. You were barely home but he knew that you were a student. He was an actor who was away for months at a time. He shouldn't get a pass. It wasn't fair.

"She tried to," he continued. "But I didn't want her." I wanted you. I want you. I love you.

"So you blew up our relationship for someone you didn't even want?"

Taron grew silent. He sighed. He would regret it every day for the rest of his life. She resented him. She wanted a baby. She did. She loved this baby already but...

"Nothing that I say now will change what I did. Or how you feel," Taron tells Y/N. "You'll always hate me for what I did. But I can help you with our baby. I can help you. I can take care of the both you."

You look at him. He's standing right in front of you. He's towering over you like he always does. Taron hates to see you crying. He uses his thumb to wipe your tears away. He wants to kiss you. He knows that he shouldn't but he wants to.

"I'm sorry," he says. "This isn't the ideal situation. This affects you way more than it affects me and I'm sorry that you thought you had to worry about my career. You don't. I just want you to worry about the baby and your work and everything can come after. I'll take care of everything else. It's the least that I can do."

"Taz," you said. He hadn't heard that nickname in so long. "I don't know if I can do this."

Taron nodded. He felt his heart break looking into your eyes. He knew despite all the words you spat at him that you needed him right now. He would be here for you. You didn't know why you were looking at him for help. Or anything at all. Old habits. He pulled you into his arms and held you close. You rested your head against his chest.

"Okay, that's okay. We'll take it one step at a time. Nothing's happening too fast, okay?"

You nodded. "Okay."

"First, we're gonna get through this dinner from hell," he replied with a slight laugh. You laughed with him. "And then, I'll take you home. That's all we have to do tonight. Easy, right?"

"Yeah," you agreed.

"And all we have to do tomorrow is start searching for a place to live."


"I won't leave you to do this on your own. I will be here for you."

Christine and your mother watched the scene from afar. They had seen how the both of you melted into each other once again. It wouldn't be difficult to predict that the two of you would fall into each other again. Your mother sighed gently.

"My husband's going to kill your son," she told Christine.

The woman couldn't help but laugh. It was the absurdity of the confession in the moment.

"He's been fighting the instinct since he laid eyes on Taron," Christine responded. They watched speak softly to you. And they watched you cling to him. "She loves him."

"He loves her. He just..."

"Is a complete jackass."


Word Count: 1695

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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