Where It All Goes Awry

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****Where It All Goes Awry****

(NOTICE: This will time jump through the pregnancy. I don't think anyone wants to read about the full nine months. I know I don't.)

It's been five months and I'm exhausted. My bump has gotten big, my back aches, I have to pee so often, and I'm eating the weirdest food.

Jesse has been great. He's got a great job, he rented us a penthouse, he takes great care of us, he's not disgusted by me, he doesn't take offense to my mood swings, and he's just great.

Today, we find out the sex of the baby. Jesse's at work and I''m getting into the tub. Usually, I'd shower but I've gotten so big that I can't touch my toes so bubble bath it is. I turn on some music and climb into the steaming, bubbly water.


"Beca, I'm home!" Jesse yelled as he entered the penthouse an hour later.

"I'm in the bathroom!" I heard his keys drop onto the counter and his feet shuffle closer to the bathroom.

"Hey beautiful." he said when he emerged into the room, that heartwhelmimg smile planted on his face. "Hi." I gave him a smile of my own.

He walked across the room and knelt beside the tub. He pushed the wet hair that stuck to my face behind my ear before placing a light kiss ony lips. "Can I join you?" he asked, glancing at my body still emerged in the water.

"As great as that sounds, I was just about to get out." I said before leaning closer. "Ok." he whispered againsty lips before I locked them to his.

"Wow." he complimented the kiss when we pulled away. "I really missed you." I explained as I watched his hand travel to my stomach. He gently rubbed it, sending goosebumps through my body.

"Can't wait to see what we're having." he said then leaned his head toward my stomach. "Either way, I'll love you all the same." he pressed his lips against my stomach before standing to leave.

"Uh, Jesse." he twirled around to look at me. "Can I get a little help?" He mumbled a quick Oh right then walked back over to me. He pulled his jacket off before leaning over and encasing my body in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he carefully pulled me to my feet.

He wrapped a towel around my bare, wet body then kissed my forhead. "I'm gonna make dinner, you just relax." he held me steady as I stepped out of the tub.

"Thank you." I said, feeling pretty winded. "You're welcome. Yell if you need anything else." I told you he's great.

I gave him a quick peck on the cheek then waited for him to exit the bathroom. I slowly began to get dressed. Leaning against the counter for support as I pulled my sweatpants on, I felt a sudden poke in my stomach. The baby's kicking more and more as the months go by. It doesn't hurt but it feels....weird.

I pull the rest of my clothes on very turtle like (slowly) then step out into the living room. The aroma of tacos, my favorite food, immediately hits me making me nauseous. "God, those stink." I said as I walked into kitchen.

"Don't worry, its not for you. This is." he hands a plate containing my current craving. "Cold spaghetti and mayonnaise sandwich just the way you like it." I grab and take a big bite out of it.

Jesse watches me with a disgusted look, he thinks this combination is gross. "Gosh, pregnancy is so weird. You can't stand your favorite food but you can't get enough of this crap." I set the plate on the counter and wipe my mouth.

"I can't get enough of you, does that make it weird?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Yes it does. But I'm not complaining." he rested his hands on my hips.

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