Chapter 1: moving day.

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Vanessa POV.

I'm packing my clothes when my older brother Logan came in.

Hey Logan what up? I asked.

Nothing Mom wants you. He answered.

When I got downstairs mom sat me down.

Hey sweetheart as you know ur father moved to Atlanta Georgia so we're moving there to be closer to him. Mom stated.

I know Mommy but don't expect me to see him I'm never going to see him ever again for what he put you through. I said.

I know baby and I'm not asking you to I'm just letting you know that you will be singing while MattyB rap OK. She stated.

OK momma. I said getting up.

OK my brave and strong girl why don't you finish packing we have a big day tomorrow. Mom smiled.

OK mommy um can I go out with my friends when I'm done packing? I asked.

Sure baby. She answered.

Madison POV.

Me and my sisters Gracie, Sierra, and Olivia were dancing to Daddy says no when Mom called us.

Hey girls as you know we have new Neighbors coming tomorrow morning so when they arrive I want you to be on y'all best behavior Ok. Mom asked.

OK Mom. We answered.

OK. Mom stated going to make dinner.

Samantha POV.

I was walking to the mall with my friends and boyfriend when a girl came up to me.

Hey why are you with my man? She asked with a slight attitude.

WAIT YOUR MAN! I yelled looking at Justin.

Yes we been having an affair. She smirked.

I slapped her until she got on the floor I got on top of her and kept punching her over and over again until Justin grabbed me and pulled me off of her

So now ur sticking up for her Ok well have a good fucking life without me girls come on. I bumped past him and went home and fell asleep wanting tomorrow to come early.

The next day.

When I woke up I woke up with a huge smile on my face. I quickly raced downstairs and was greeted by my Mom.

Good morning sweets how did you sleep? Mom asked.

Great Mom you. I smiled.

Great also so you ready? Mom asked.

As ready as I'll ever be. I answered.

OK well the truck will be here soon so you should get ready. Mom said.

OK Mom. I said racing upstairs. I grabbed my purses and went to the bathroom.

I put on some music on my iPhone 6 my father gave me an iPad for my birthday but I don't use it that much. I put on girl you must be crazy by me of course. I finished showering in 30 minutes and got dressed in this

 I finished showering in 30 minutes and got dressed in this

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I put on some make-up and flat-ironed my hair even tho it was already straight. I gabbed my iPhone and plugged my phone in the charger and went downstairs.

Hey Logan. I said walking downstairs with him.

Hey Sam you look gorgeous. He smiled.

Thanks Logan I'm glad dad moved out because I know for a fact that he wasn't going to let me where this. I chuckled.

Right. He chuckled too.

You kids ready to put the boxes in the truck? Mom asked.

Yes Mom um are we driving? I asked.

No sweetie we are taking the airplane the truck is driving. Mom answered.

Oh OK. I said going upstairs.

I grabbed my boxes and put them in the truck. The two men grabbed my bed cuz it was too heavy for me they also grabbed my dresser and my desk that I do my writing songs and stuff like that I grabbed my phone, iPad, charger for both, and I grabbed my purses so I can take them on the plane with me.

Are y'all ready! Mom yelled.

We're coming down now! I yelled back.

At the airport.

I cried in my friends arm.

I promise I'll text you everyday. I waved.

They waved back.

I got on the plane and put my headphones in my ear and listened to some music and fell asleep. I was woke up by Logan shaking me.

Sis it's time to go we here. Logan said.

Ok. I said grabbing my stuff and walking off the plane.

When we was at our new house I ran inside and let me tell you the house was huge. I walked outside and helped my mom unpack. I saw 4 girls outside I recognized them. I ran across the street.

Hi. I said shyly.

Hey my name is Madison and these are my sisters Gracie, Sierra, and Olivia. Madison said smiling.

I'm Samantha I'm a huge fan. I said excited.

Sam Mom wants us to pick our rooms so the truck driver knows where to put our stuff at! Logan yelled.

I'm sorry guys I have to go see ya later! I yelled and ran.

I picked the room that is colored pink.

I told them put my bed on the right.

I adored my room I went to Logan's room

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I adored my room I went to Logan's room.

I adored my room I went to Logan's room

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He liked his room too. I didn't see him when I looked out his window and saw him playing basketball with some kids plus MattyB so I ran downstairs and asked my mom to go across the street. When I opened the door Madison was standing there.

Hey Madison. I said.

Hey Samantha. Madison smiled.

Please call me Sam and Wassup? I asked.

We were about to go to the Studio you want to come? Madison asked.

Sure but who's that? I asked pointing at MattyB.

That's MattyB he's a rapper

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