Chapter 2- Never Alone

Bắt đầu từ đầu

‘I do not know my friend. I guess that I have been possessed or a wizard has cursed me, as I am just so happy.’ She looked at me as though she was completely unconvinced.

“well,I hope you eat soon, starvation is not a good look on you.’ There was a loud knock on the door and Olita sprung to her feet, she piled the dishes on to the tray and walked over to the door. I smiled knowing that Wolf was most likely on the other side of that door but as soon as i saw who it was I immediately rose to my feet, the smile gone from my face.

“Your Majesty.’ I said softly as i curtsied to him. The prince strode into the room, dressed in amour chin held high. In the door way stood at least 3 soldiers in amour. His attention fell immediately to my dress, a look of disgust spread across his face.

‘I have come to personally see to your illness, I trust you are recovering.’ His eyes did not move off my gown.

‘F-forgive me my lord, if I had known of your company I would have worn more appropriate attire.’ I stuttered.  He lifted his eyes from my gown to my face.

‘Leave us!’ He demanded, my eyes shot immediately to Olita who quickly scurried out the door. The Soldiers stayed were they were until they were lost from my sight as the door closed. ‘Have you recovered?’ He asked snapping my attention back to him. I tried to smile softly.

‘Yes, your grace. I am feeling much better today.’ A forced smile spread on his face. He was worried about something.

‘I am pleased to hear it. I have come to inform you of my departure.’ His vision fell back down to my dress. ‘I am leaving on Military business within the hour, I will return by the Celebration ball. It is a dire time I leave you in, I would take you with me if only it would guarantee your safety but alas, i cannot do that.’ He took my hand in his.

‘My safety is well looked after my Lord.’ I whispered. His eyes met mine, drilling into the very centre of my soul, burning with intensity.

‘You are never safe enough, and I regret to tell you that our kingdom is under a slow but deadly attack. With my father on his death bed, it is up to me to ensure the safety of our kingdom. I will be assigning you more escorts, more guards, more of everything. The Enemy will not get their hands on you.’ I’m sure to any woman this would sound romantic, but i am not in this situation by my own free will and there is no romance in this conversation, again I am being locked up like a precious jewel because that is all I am to this kingdom and I have no idea why.

‘I do not think our Enemies would want me, my lord. I am quite safe with w-‘ I was about to speak his name, i suddenly bit my tongue. ‘with whom you have provided to care for me.’ His eyes narrowed with suspicion.

‘I did not bring up the matter for conversation or debate. You will have two guards outside your doors at every hour and one inside, to insure your safety. You will have my best men stand guard outside your tower while you are inside, I will not let them take you.’ He muttered under his breath as he turned for the door.

‘Who would want to take me?’ I muttered out of turn. He stopped and turned to look at me with deep anger.

‘Must I remind you that you do not speak unless spoken to?’ he said through gritted teeth.

‘N-no my Lord, Please forgive me.’ I said looking at my feet and curtising once more. I could hear him take a deep breath.

‘Now, I will be back by the Celebration Ball. Make sure your attire is appropriate and follows my new requirements. I must have you looking presentable.’ He said as he moved closer to me, pushing my black curls off my shoulder and running his finger down my neck. ‘You must look like the only woman in the world worth looking at if you are going to be my Wife.’ He whispered in my ear.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 08, 2012 ⏰

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