All the pieces to his puzzle were about to fall into place.

Evander got off the bike he was sharing with Jolie, backing away from her and into the other one. The three of them all rose and faced Jolie, contempt and betrayal written on their faces. It was three against one- with everyone turning against Jolie.

"I can't believe this," Flint said quietly to himself as he stared in dismay and fear.

"I knew it!" Alda shouted with an intense anger. "You manipulated us just to do some bidding for your Sith Lord!" She stared daggers at her, as if that would hurt more than how she already felt.

Evander didn't know what to say. He just stared at her, more hurt than he'd ever felt.

She shook her head, tears now coming to her eyes. "No! Please, you have to believe me!" She saw the tears now forming in Evander's eyes- the hopelessness in his face. She could sense the regret he felt for not believing his friends when they warned him about her. About how dangerous she was. How she'd only ruin everything again. It turns out they were right. "Please..." she begged them to believe her.

"If you pledge your allegiance to me and your new Empire, I will spare your friends," the Dark Lord said, a strange power lingering in each word he said. 

Jolie looked at her friends. One was ready to kill her. The other was lost beyond belief. And the other... more than a friend... was heartbroken.

Jolie watched in the distance at the battle. She could see smoke above the tree tops and hear the blaster fire. More than that, she could sense the grief, hatred, and suffering from each Jedi murdered in cold blood.

She closed her eyes and felt her sky-rocketing heartbeat. Her throat tightened and the hair on the back of her neck tingled as she thought it through and reached out to the Force. After everything I've put them through, I owe this to them.

She took one last breathe with her own free will and remembered everything good about her life. Reconnecting with Dan and the good she ignited in him. Evander and Synyc's strong bond she set on course. Alda's determination and protective nature. Flint's kindness and incredible mind. Her short time with Evander... and her short time living an honest life, free of lies from the Jedi.

"I'm sorry," she said as she looked deep into Evander's eyes. She wasn't sorry because they thought she'd aligned herself with the Sith, but because she knew Evander would never forgive himself.  For both being with her and letting her get taken from him. "I really am," Jolie said somberly as she backed away and towards the Dark Lord.

He smiled a toothy, crooked smile from underneath his hood. As they began to walk up the ramp.

With her head hanging, the Sith placed a forceful hand on her back and moved her to face her old friends. She couldn't bear to look them in the eyes. It didn't matter that she wasn't truly the Sith spy they thought she was. She had still put them through more than they deserved.

With the same menacing grin, the Dark Lord summoned his guards back up the ramp. They returned and stood beside Jolie and her new Master.

The ramp closed.
They flew away.
She was gone.

All over again.

"What do we do?" Flint asked quietly. Not knowing the answer to a question for once.

"I... don't know," Evander replied as he stared at the ship, taking in each final glance at her.

"She's a Sith. We need to get home to tell them!" Alda said forcefully as she jumped onto a speeder bike.

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