10 days before

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"Hey," Harry said, walking into the bedroom where Connor sat on the bed, scrolling through her phone. She turned her head to look at him. He had one hand clinging to the doorframe and was leaning toward the floor like a kid, swinging his other arm back and forth. She smiled at him and lifted her chin out of her hand just enough to reply.

"What's up?"

"We should go on a date; we haven't done that for a few months." Harry spoke, almost losing his grip on the wall.

"Be careful, babe," she laughed, watching him steady himself.

"But really," he said, finally standing up straight. He walked over to her and set his hands on her knees. She looked up at him and smiled, locking her phone and setting it aside. She wrapped her hands around his forearms. "How about tonight, that new Italian restaurant downtown?" He raised an eyebrow. "Eight?"

"Uh," she looked at the clock behind his head. "Sure, sure," she nodded.

"Is two hours enough for you?" He laughed.

She chuckled for a second before jumping out from underneath his hands. "If I get ready now!" She shouted over her shoulder.

She skipped into her bathroom and shut the door behind her.

"I'll pick you up at eight!" He yelled so she could hear him though the door and the running water.

"You live here, dumbass!" She chuckled and stepped into the shower.

"I know!"


"Oh, my god, Conn, you look fine, lets go!" Harry complained, stomping his foot as he leaned against the doorframe, watching Connor stick more bobby pins in her hair. He looked at his watch again. "Connor, we have to leave or we will miss the reservation!" He whined.

She checked herself in the mirror, wiping off excess lip gloss from the top lip. She adjusted her dress and grabbed her clutch, spinning around to face Harry. "I'm ready," she nodded and marched forward.

"It's packed, oh, Lord," Connor announced when they had arrived at the restaurant. She closed the car door and met Harry at the front of the car. He grabbed her hand.

"I made reservations this morning," he smiled.

"How did you know I would agree?"

"Babe, really? You can't resist this."

"Oh, god, you ass!" She exclaimed and laughed along with him.

Harry walked Connor into the restaurant and told the hostess his name. She led them to a small table in the back lit by a single candle. There was a white table cloth and a fancy menu. He pulled out the chair for her and she tucked her dress under herself before taking a seat. He rushed to the other side of the table to hurry and sit down. He held his tie to his chest while he took a seat.

Their menus covered their faces because they were so tall. Harry peeked over the top to see Connor peeking at him as well. She blushed and resumed looking over the salad section. Harry cleared his throat and hid behind the menu whilst Connor peeked at him. She giggled and went back to choosing her meal.


She clung to his hand as she doubled over in laughter. He stumbled along with her out of the restaurant and through the parking lot. Their hands disconnected and they climbed in the car. She strapped herself in and reminded Harry to put his seatbelt on, just like always.

He grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"I had fun," he whispered.

"As did I," she replied and nodded her head.

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