Hanging out

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Uraraka and Bakugou has just gotten off the train and headed into the city. He kept telling her that first they'd go somewhere to shop, get something to eat, and go home. It sounded like a short hangout but the walks were quite long actually. They entered a huge mall and went window shopping for a while, talking about things that they were interested in buying.

"A hoodie? But Bakugou-Kun, it's May." Uraraka said putting a finger on her chin. "So what? I can't like fucking hoodies? Fuck off floaty!" He said slightly loud, catching a few people's attention. She got embarrassed. I should've expected to be the center of attention when I'm out with Bakugou. She thought.

They walked in silence eyeing the store they both agreed to go to earlier. "I'd buy a hoodie too." She fessed up. Sure it was May and hot, but the dorms had the air conditioning blowing pretty much every hour every day.

Bakugou eases up a little. "I'll buy you one." He said bluntly glancing down at her quickly before looking back up. "Ah! You don't have too Bakugou, I have my own money!" Uraraka clasped her hands and held them to her chest trying to push the offer down. "Your moneys for your apartment and stuff right? You work in high school for crying out loud. Keep it for your home, I'm buying you stuff and you can't say no. Plus you can show our fucked friends someone still treats you like you exist."

She looked up and smiled wearily. Just hanging out with Bakugou, she's forgotten about her friends strange behaviors. "Yeah... thank you Bakugou-Kun." They arrived at the store and walked in. "No problem floaty." She ignored the nickname for now and was in a happy mood.

Once they'd been looking at the sweatshirt area, Uraraka decided to ask Bakugou about something that bothered her classmates. "Hey, Bakugou."  He didn't look up from the clothes but answered anyway. "What float fuck?" There it was. "You always give everyone weird nicknames like, shitty hair, raccoon eyes, and Pikachu. Do you even know my name?" She asked with curiosity. It took him a bit but he replied. "Uraraka Ochako. Your name." It felt weird hearing him say her full name, and she was slightly flushed. "I see... can I call you Katsuki? Since you call me floaty and float fuck, I think that'll be fair." He stifled a chuckle hearing her curse and it sounded like heaven to her ears.

"Sure, I don't care." She was surprised to hear such a fast and almost eager response. "I'll get to call you Ochako when I want then." He pulled out a sweatshirt and turned torwards her. She didn't know but the whole conversation about using their first names made her cheeks red. He saw, but ignored it. "Are you done yet?" He asked surprisingly soft and nice. Uraraka nodded pulling out a black sweatshirt with pink stripes on the sleeves and had white space themed stuff outlined on the torso part. "Alright let's go." Bakugou grabbed her sweatshirt and turned to walk to the cashier.

When they got to the counter Uraraka saw the cutest bracelet with space charms but looked up to their cashier who had a bright smile on her face when looking at them both. The lady scanned the tags she smiled as he pulled out enough cash for both the sweatshirts. "Awe, paying for your girlfriend? That's so sweet." She said taking his money and putting the clothing in a bag. Uraraka took it and nervously corrected the girl. "A-actually we aren't a c-couple-" She held the bag low and Bakugou just stood there only a slight look of shock on his face and the smallest blush no one could see. "Ah my apologies! But you two would make a super cute couple anyway not gonna lie." She gave them a wink and waved as they both walked out quiet.

"We should get a small something to eat huh?" Uraraka said when they were about to walk into the food court. "Oh yeah, what do you want?" He asked looking for a place to sit. He started walking toward a two seated table. "You don't have to pay for my food too Katsuki." She said catching up. Her heart fluttered saying his name but thought they might as well start with the name deal now then at a random time. He didn't show it but he liked when she called him by his first name. "I'm gonna do it wether you say yes or no Ochako." He decides to return the favor and say her name.

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