"I can imagine how you feel". Oh, he must know. "But being angry with this isn't working, no one can stop this. The Lodges are like, the king and queen here". She spoke. Sweet Pea's features softened, knowing she was right. "I know, but still". He huffed, moving his fingers through her hair after he threw his cigarette to the ground and stepped on it. The bell rung in the background, indicating it was time to get to class. "I'll see you during lunch, okay?". She smiles up at him and he automatically smiled back. Sweet Pea looked into her eyes for a couple seconds and then nodded. He leaned down to place a kiss on her lips, his hand sliding off her lower back as they parted their ways. 

      Veronica Lodge never thought the news of the Riverdale Prison would have that strong sort of dislike. She got sly looks the whole morning and she barely dared to look someone straight into the eyes. She took her plate of lunch to walk up to her friends during the break, sitting down on the opposite of Archie and next to Betty and Kate. She mumbled a soft hi and received some replies. Sweet Pea kissed his girlfriend's cheek before leaving their table to sit with Fangs and Kevin, and she could think of the reason why. The only reason Jughead was still sitting here, was probably because Betty was here too. "I just loved your spin piece in the paper, Olivia Pope". The Serpent was the first one to speak up about it. "Can we not, Jughead?". Veronica asked, a sigh passing her lips. Kate rose her eyebrows, curious for her response as Jug obviously wouldn't stop discussing it till he got proper answers. "Did you know about Southside High closing? Or the prison?". "Of course not, that was all her parents' doing, right, V?". Betty shot him a warning glare. "Hope it for her". Kate softly said, the threatening look in her eyes making Veronica purse her lips together.

"She didn't know, Jughead, okay? So, back off". Archie stood up for his girlfriend after she gave him a soft pout. "Fine, I have to conserve my energy anyhow". Jughead muttered. "I'm going on a hunger strike to protest Southside High closing and to get it reopened". Veronica rolled her eyes as she took a sip of her juice. Kate looked over at Jughead, she could already tell it he'd do it for nothing, but perhaps they still had a chance to fight for their school. Archie chuckled as he bit his teeth into his sandwich. "What?". Jughead asked with a snarl. "Sorry, man, it's just... You're like always eating. Good luck with that, but-". "Hey, it's Jughead's prerogative to protest peacefully, so we're gonna support that, aren't we, V?". Betty turned to Veronica. "It's funny, because it's like Ghandi versus Sukarno. The one believes in peaceful protests, while the others turns violent after too much power". Kate mentioned, receiving a snort from Jughead, who appreciated her comment. Veronica chose to ignore her, and just nodded at Betty's words. 

"Veronica?". Everyone looked up as Ethel Muggs came to their table, carrying a pinkish drink. Kate had seen her before and she was in some of her classes, yet they never spoke a lot. Perhaps Ethel was nice. "Oh, hey, Ethel". Veronica greeted her. "For your crimes against Riverdale, everything your family has done and continue to do, we find you guilty. Your sentence is this". Ethel threw the content of the cup of Pop's over Veronica's face, drenching her hair and face with the strawberry milkshake. Everyone gasped as they saw what happened. Some even made pictures. Kate hit her mouth behind her hands as she was quite amused by this. "Guess Karma came back around straight away". Jughead hummed and she nodded with a side glance towards him. The three girls stood up from the bench and moved into the restrooms of the school to clean Veronica's hair. "If you come to roast me too, then you can leave straight away, Kate". Veronica hissed, incredibly mad and at the same time on the edge of crying. "I'm just here to see you look at your reflection in the mirror with the words Ethel just at spat at your face". Kate shrugged, leaning against the wall. She might be a bitch to Veronica, she might have family that works with hers, but she was not agreeing at all to the terms they had for business.

"The chilling thing is, Ethel went through the trouble of bringing that milkshake from Pop's. I mean, how mad is she?". Betty changed the subject slightly. "My dad is responsible for the Muggs family basically losing everything. And he still hasn't made amends, so... Ethel has the right to be upset". Veronica sighed in defeat. "So do you". Betty protested. "Are you sure you're okay?". She asked. "I'd manage". She replied. "I'm impressed, I'd wanna rip her head off". Kate said from behind them. "As my mom keeps saying, this is not the time for drama and flying off the handle". Veronica straightened herself in front of the mirror. "Right". Betty gently smiled. The girls grabbed their bags and moved out to get to the hallway. Reggie was just sticking his posters to vote for him as president of the school all over the doors and some windows. He turned to them, the arrogant grin curling his lips. "Ladies, Veronica. I just heard you got a face full of dairy. I've got some nuts to top off that shake". He grinned wider, making Kate crack her knuckles in her fist. "Leave her alone, Reggie". Kate didn't need to say this, but no girl, including Veronica, needed to be spoken to like this by Reggie Mantle.

"You do not wanna push me right now". Veronica stood in front of him. "One question I gotta ask as the future student body president: what are the odds your dad's the first inmate in that prison he's building? Oh, man, that's heavy. He'd be considering one of us, or is he going to build a female prison too? For your mother? Maybe'll visit...". Reggie didn't have any chance to spill more bullshit as Veronica punched him right in the jaw, her knuckles turning red. Kate let out a laugh at how he laid there. Oh my god, Veronica Lodge had punched Reggie Mantle. "What did I miss?". Sweet Pea's voice came up behind her, his hands taking a hold of her hips. "Well, you missed the greatest argument this school has ever seen". Kate chuckled, looking up at him. Reggie soon came up from the ground as Mr. Weatherbee had heard from the scenario already. They were both sent into his office and Betty still had wide eyes on from seeing her friend punch someone like that. The bell rung and everyone had to leave the hallway to get to class again. "I forgot to tell, but Fangs and Jughead and me and...". "Are going on a hunger strike". Kate finished with a soft smile. "Yeah, Jughead mentioned?". Sweet Pea replied and scratched his head. 

"He did, it's okay, I'll keep you company when I can leave the house for a bit". Kate responded. "Just... Be careful, okay? I don't want you guys being victims of Hiram more than you already are. He's so reckless in his decisions". Kate muttered, fixing the collar of the blouse he was wearing. "Yes, mom". Sweet Pea mocked with a smile, making her smile too. "You're the worst". You love me". Sweet Pea took her chin between his fingers. "I do, I love you". Kate blurted out and it made his look stay frozen on her face. Another smile cracked through and he kissed her firmly. "And I love you, princess".

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