The Boy in the Bathroom

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This is a different kind of imagine. In this imagine, you get to help control the story. Each update will present you with a new choice. Read the chapter and make your choice to see if you can navigate in a world with Peter Parker. Will you find love? Danger? Power? Read on to find out.

735 words


No, no, no, you glared at the school bell as you ran past it, wishing you had woken up five minutes earlier.

You had stayed up most of the night studying for your Spanish test which you were now running late for. You knew you should have just gone to bed but you really thought you would finally nail down those pesky subjunctive verbs if you just stayed up a few more minutes. Gripping your tall coffee in your fist, you suddenly realize you desperately need the bathroom. You round the corner to the hallway your classroom is in and halt at the girls bathroom. Glancing down the hall you look back at the bathroom and rush inside. What's a few more minutes?  You reassure yourself, knowing you had some of the top grades in the class anyway.

Quickly you finish your business in the stall and rush to wash your hands. As you reach for a paper towel, a boy with brown curls comes crashing through the open bathroom window and into the paper towel dispenser. A small yelp escapes your lips as you look up to the window which is carved nearly 10 feet up the white cinder block wall on the third floor. The boy looks up at you and you realize you recognize him. His name is Peter and he is in your Spanish class; the same class you should be in right now. He looks frightened and for a moment you both stare at each other in shock until he scrambles backwards and nimbly jumps up from the floor.

"Uh, I-I'm sorry," Peter's eyes are darting around the room and he seems to be scrambling for words. "I was just running late you see and... well the window was open and it was the closest entrance and I didn't think anyone would be in here and I'm really sorry and please don't tell anyone?"

As he finished rambling he finally looks you in the eye. You notice that his eyes are a very warm brown and wide as the moon as he looks at you. He seems genuinely scared that you'll tell on him and it's kind of endearing.

But there's no time to dwell on that, you're running late as is and can't waste anymore time.

"It's fine," you reply, collecting your books again. "I'm running late too. You're in my Spanish class right?"

"Oh yeah," the boy smiles, his grin makes your cheeks flush, "I'm Peter by the way. Peter Parker."

"I know," you mentally kick yourself for being creepy, "I'm—" before you can give your name, the building shakes and debris falls from the ceiling. Peter pulls you down and uses his backpack to shield you. The lingering rumblings of a bomb reverberate through your old city school building and inside your head. You stand up slowly, coughing from the dust that is now swirling through the air. The air seems to almost tingle as you feel adrenaline reach your fingertips, pushed swiftly through your veins by your pounding heart.

"Thanks," you manage to get out between coughs. Peter doesn't respond though, he seems to be on red alert.

"Hey um, can you do me a favor?" he asks.

"Sure," you draw out the 'u', uncertain what this strange boy will ask of you. Looking at him now, you realize that despite being one of the less popular kids at Midtown, he's muscular and rather cute. Maybe it's just because he helped protect you from falling chunks of cement. "Shouldn't we go somewhere safe though?" You're still shaking as you crane your neck towards the hallway, distracted by the sounds of students screaming and rushing towards the exits.

Peter is getting really fidgety now. "I need to um, do something. I mean I need to go somewhere." His eyes are darting around again as you squint at him.

"Can you just hang on to my backpack for me? I can't afford to lose another one."

Will you...

1A) Take Peter's backpack and run for safety.

1B) Argue with him and demand an explanation.

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