Clarke gave her a puzzled look.

"Trust me, you need it," Lexa said nodding towards the bathroom. "Now go."

Clarke feigned offense for a moment, but then skipped off to the bathroom soon after, absolutely delighted that she would not be spending yet another night home alone.

A little while later Clarke returned wearing a pair of white sweatpants with the bottoms pulled up exposing her calves and a black tank. She leaned against the doorway, tying her slightly damp hair up in a messy bun and watched Lexa moving through the living room clearing used tissues and empty water bottles from the coffee table and floor in front of the couch. "What are you doing?"

Lexa looked up and smiled. "Clarke, as much as I love you, I'm drawing the line at eating dinner surrounded by your nasty tissues," she answered with a smile.

Clarke laughed as she went and retrieved some disinfecting wipes from the kitchen and wiped down the coffee table, remotes and anything else that Lexa might touch. While just having Lexa there already made her feel so much better, the last thing that she wanted was for her to be sick too.

Sometime later, the soup was gone and they were lounging silently on the couch, Clarke with her head resting on Lexa's lap as they watched a movie. The sound of keys rattling the door caught their attention, but figuring it was Octavia, they paid it no mind.

"Seriously, Clarke?" Finn's voice echoed through the apartment. "What the fuck?"

Clarke pushed herself up, but remained firmly planted next to Lexa. "What the fuck, what?" She asked with a look of confusion in her eyes.

Finn crossed his arms. "I don't come around for a couple of days and you start shacking up with Lexa again?" He briskly accused her.

Clarke got to her feet, her blue eyes filled with annoyance. "A couple of days? Finn, I haven't heard from you in over a week," she spat back. "And I'm not shacking up with Lexa! I was feeling crappy and lonely so she brought me some soup and we were just watching a movie."

Lexa sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. This was the downside of the closeness of their group. Because they had basically grown up together and been through so much together, they were more than just friends, they were family. They knew practically everything that there was to know about each other, including the fact that since high school Clarke and Lexa had been each others go-to lovers. But never, ever while one of them was seeing somebody else. Just the fact that Finn would accuse them of such was highly offensive.

"Don't be a dick, Finn." Lexa said as she got to her feet and turned to face Clarke. "I'm going to go," she leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on the top of Clarke's head. "I hope you feel better."

Lexa crossed the room towards the door but was stopped when Finn grabbed her roughly by the arm. However, before he could utter a single word Lexa grabbed his hand and twisted hard. "Have you lost your mind, Finn?"

"Ow, ow, ow. Shit, fuck..."

In fairness, it was really foolish of Finn to even consider doing this. Everyone knew that Lexa was more than capable of protecting herself. She had been trained in self defense from a young age; her uncle had insisted it. Lexa's green eyes were burning with anger, first from his accusation, and now his audacity. She set her jaw and twisted a little harder causing a few gasps and unintelligible words to fall from his mouth. "What was that?"

"Lex, please...ugh..."

"Lexa," Clarke said softly as she stepped forward and placed a soothing hand on Lexa's shoulder. "Lexa, let him go."

Lexa turned and looked at her. As soon as blue met green Lexa felt the anger inside her begin to dissipate. "Next time you lay a hand on me, Collins, be damn well prepared to have it broken," she said sternly and released him with a shove.

Finn stood rubbing his wrist as Lexa gave Clarke a reassuring nod and walked out the door.

As the door clicked shut, Clarke turned back to Finn and gave him a very disapproving look. "You owe her an apology," she said simply.

"Seriously?" He replied with annoyance.

"Absolutely," Clarke responded with a definite tone. "Just because you know our history, doesn't mean that you can accuse me of something like that and," she paused as she stepped forward and poked him hard in the chest, "you had no right to grab her like that. You're lucky she didn't break your arm."

Lexa really was the sweetest person in the world, but her years of training had also made her fairly lethal. Something that everyone remembered, far too well. Several years ago they were at a party where Lexa had been politely dodging the advances of a drunken frat boy for most of the night when he decided that a brazen approach might work better and got handsy with her. She fractured his wrist and broke his jaw. Though no one faulted Lexa for reacting the way she did when the guy pounced on her, licking up her neck and shoving his hand up her shirt, it was still jarring and downright scary.

Finn stared as the ground with a guilty look in his eyes as he continued to rub his wrist. He knew she was right. "Thank you for that," he muttered.

Clarke shook her head and returned to the couch. She was frustrated by they way that Finn had behaved. Regardless of their relationship already being strained, she would never cheat on him. Granted, it was true that over the years she and Lexa had spent more than their fair share of nights together, however, those nights were a mutual understanding that was between them and no one, including Finn, had any right to use that knowledge against either of them.

"Look Clarke, I'm sorry, okay?" Finn tried. "I saw you two on the couch like that and I just spaced. I mean, it's been like a month since we've even..."

Clarke shot up from the couch. "Are you kidding me? I've been sick for a week now, and your only concern is the last time you got your rocks off?"

Finn's eyes went wide as he realized his mistake. "Clarke no, that's not what I meant."

"That's just great," she sighed, turning her back to him.

"Come on, I didn't even know that you were sick." Finn defended, raising his hands.

Of course he didn't know that she was sick. He hadn't so much as sent her a text in the last two weeks. How could he know? "Go home, Finn."



A moment later he relented and left without another word, slamming the door behind him.

Clarke flopped back down on to the couch with tears streaming down her cheeks as she wished for nothing more than her best friend to still be there with her.

Always you, Only youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora