"Traitor," he muttered, using the side of his large sword to launch me away from him and the princess. I wasn't expecting it, so I went flying into a nearby shop. I saw him pick her up by the hair.

"Okay," I growled, standing up and brushing the rubble off of my clothes. "Game on, fatass."

I launched myself forward, landing a few yards away. I reared my dominating hand back in a fist, preparing to punch him, and reached out with my other to grab Ellie. My action was halted by a loud shout, that distracted me, the Holy Knight, and Ellie.

"STOP!" The voice shouted; it was very feminine, so I assumed it was a woman. I turned toward where it originated, finding a somewhat short girl with neck-length purple hair. She was a wearing a jacket with subtle pink fabric and a large, fur-rimmed hood. Under that she wore a dark red crop top and black leggings, which were decorated by thigh-high armored boots. She held a large sword with a purple sheath on her back, and she was glaring daggers at the Holy Knight. "I will never forgive you if you hurt my sister!"

I raised an eyebrow, assuming that she must've been addressing me. She looked like she was with the Holy Knights, so why would she try to save Ellie? And sister? I knew there were three princesses in the kingdom, but I was almost certain none of them looked like her.

"Forcing us to make wanted posters like this," She muttered bitterly, holding up Ellie's wanted poster and tearing it in half, then tossing the prices to the ground, where they glided down. "Despicable."

"No way...!" Ellie exclaimed, looking at the girl. Am I missing something here? Cause I feel like I'm missing something. "Veronica?"

"Wait... Veronica?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. She turned toward me, doing the same. "As in Princess Veronica?"

"That's none of your concern," she replied sternly, turning back towards the Holy Knight. "Let's go- take her to the Ceramic Tear Inn, it'll be easier over there."

I glared at the girl, "Woah. You're not taking Ellie anywhere."

Her face scrunched up. "What did you call her?"

"Ellie," I spat, stepping forward. "And she stays with me."

"She is coming with us," the Holy Knight, Griamore, I believed they called him, spoke. He began to walk away. "Come, Lady Veronica."

She nodded, turning to begin walking as well. I sighed, grabbing my whip. I reared back the hand I was holding it in, preparing to grab Ellie from behind. Sadly, I was unable to do so, as I was snatched away from where I was standing.

A sudden, strong force yanked on me from behind and began running, dragging me with it. I turned around, ready to sock whoever had grabbed me.

"Hawk!!" I shouted, seeing the pig. Instead of punching him, I pushed against his fatty side. "Let go of me! I need to get Elizabeth!!"

"No," he said, his voice muffled by my top as he continued to run. He sharply turned on a corner, shoving me to the safe and causing the back of my shirt to rip. Damn. "We need to find Meliodaf and the ophers!"

"Hawk! I can get her!" I shouted, almost being rammed into another building. "Hawk, let me go!"

"I'm sorry, (y/n)!" He cried, turning around another corner. My skirt almost fell down, I had to yank it up and hold it to make sure I didn't lose it. "There they are!"

The group was ahead of us. I continued to shout. "Let me go, Hawk! I swear to god, I'm going to roast you! I need to get her! Hawk!"

"Meliodas!!!!" Hawk shouted, throwing me as he stopped. I tumbled on my side, falling against the pavement. I growled, glaring at the pig. Tears leaked from his eyes. "I'm so sorry! I'm terrible! They got Elizabeth!"

Greed and Despond (Ban x Sin!Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant