He looked deep into my eyes. He was calm now. He leaned forward and pressed his icy lips against my forehead. He smiled down at me. I encouraged myself to smile back. It was nice, I had to admit, being his centre of attention again, I had only been that way for 50 odd years and then Margot’ decided to join our coven. Pushing me out of the picture, and I made it worse. I may as well of fallen right out of the frame as well as the picture.

I started to hang around with Frankie a lot, become a little less involved in being perfect for John. Now, I was this grungy, bad tempered Vampire. I would have to try and be more elegant around the house.  I couldn’t actually believe I was talking myself into being with John again. He still angered me beyond belief but he had a magnetic power over me. I would have to try.

He walked over to his bed and threw himself on it.

“Come.” He demanded. I rolled my eyes and strolled towards him, stopping once I got to the foot of the bed. He looked up at me, Confused. “What are you doing, Lacuna?” I wasn’t exactly sure what he was wanting of me.

“I’m confused. I thought you wanted to talk.” I said as I sat on the end of the bed. He sighed very loudly and exasperated.

“We have talked Lacuna.” He growled. I rolled my eyes again.

“Then what do u expect me to do?” I asked frustrated.

“Be with me like I asked. Take my mind away from the horrible pain that’s growing inside it because of her. Distract me, talk to me, like the old times.” He whispered as he lay back down.

“That was a hundred and twenty years ago John. I’m not sure I know how to be what you ask of me. I certainly can’t just jump back into that role. I haven’t been a lady of the house in many years. If you haven’t forgotten I am a hunter, I bring you the scum of the earth so we can have food-“

“Stop.” He interrupted. I looked over at him, still lying flat on his bed. “Why don’t you go hunt then? I give you an option to be with me, Lacuna. To help me and you reject.” I began to interrupt but he held his hand up to silence me. “I made you to be my companion, through everything. You’re one purpose is to be with me. Just leave, I don’t want to look at you right now.” He growled.

I wanted to desperately to yell at him. To demand to speak my mind, he would have nothing of it though. The lies that just came out of his mouth were horrible. Still, I kept my composure, only letting an inch of my anger show through my eyes. I turned swiftly and marched out the room, slamming the steel doors behind me. The rage that filtered through me was almost out of my control. I had to get out, I had to go hunt. I stormed my way down the stairs and whipped over to Frankie.

“The hunt is on. Round up the Newbies. They learn tonight.” I whispered in his ear. A cruel smile spread over his face as a dark chuckle emerged. He stamped his foot three times. Each time a deafening crash on the wooden floor, the music died down, all faces turned to him. The new comers clearly petrified of the giant man standing before them.

“New Comers to the coven, tonight, we go on a field trip. You are to come to me in the next 5 minutes. We leave in 6.” His loud voice boomed across the open hall. He stomped his foot again and turned his back on the crowd. I smiled to him as he walked towards me, clearly happy that he had frightened all of our new members.

I scanned the room, observing every movement. The music had started again, and they were dancing once more. My eyes shifted to the second floor banister where, to my surprise, John stood staring at me. I smiled at him. He lifted a bottle of vodka to his lips and took a large swig, saluting me with the bottle after he had swallowed. I had to admit, his eyes dug into the soul of me. Stretching every desire I had into forming around him.

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