Wake Up

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North P.O.V
Tears flooded down her face as Markus held her.
"He's really gone Markus, we didn't even get to say goodbye, he never got to see us freed!" North cried as she thought of Simon.
"There's nothing we could have done to help him, Love," Markus said quietly into her ear. It had been a month since Simon died. He was shot in the escape from the broadcast tower. He was to damaged to make the jump, so they had to leave him behind. Soon after they found out he had killed himself so the police wouldn't find where they were hiding. He bought them much needed time. Time to treat their wounded, time to rest and figure out what to do next. That time saved millions of lives and cleared the future for their people. Simon died a hero. He would go down in history as a saviour for all androids. North thought of all the times she had called him a coward or a weakling. She wished she could take every last insult back, to turn back the clock and save him. She wished she could take his place. Why did it have to be Simon.
Connor P.O.V
Connor sat in the archive room quietly staring at each piece of evedence in the divient case. It had been dropped once the rights of androids had been put in place. Hank walked into the room behind him quietly. "Hey! Thats the android from the roof right." He said pointing to the damaged android on the end.
"Yes," Connor said quietly not knowing why the lutenent was so intersted.
"He was a friend of Markus and the other deviants." Hank said "his name was Simon." Connor started analizing the damage to Simon. He was pretty beat up.He could be fixed, but there would be lasting damage. He mentally ordered extra blue blood and biocomponants. He was going to give North, Markus,and Josh the present of a lifetime. The gift of life.
Markus P.O.V
Markus was still comforting North when Connor called.
"What is it ,Connor, we're kinda in a situation here." He grumbled.
"There's someone here you might wanna see." Connor cheered excitedly. At least someone was happy. But whoever Connor found might take their minds off Simon.
They arrived in the archive room and gasped at what they saw. Connor was standing over Simon's body with Hank close behind.
"Simon!" North shouted as she ran to his side. Josh stood still for a moment then slowly crossed over to Simon and grabbed his hand.
"You found Simon's body," Josh said quietly.
"Watch," Connor said simply. He attached two wires in Simon's neck. Simon gasped for air and began to cough. Once he caught his breath he tried to sit up Connor eased him back down. "You might want to rest for a while,"
"Who are you!" Simon cried.
"Simon," Josh whispered softly.
"Josh?" Simon whispered back.
"Simon! You're alive now! Your okay!we are free now and so are you!" North called out as she hugged him.
"It's good to have you back Simon," Markus called.
"Markus, North, Josh? I can hear you but why can't I see you?" He asked. Then Markus noticed it. Simon wasn't looking at them he was just looking up.
Simon was alive but, he was blind.

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