Dear Diary-Past Present and Future

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I stretched my arms, as I sat up straight on to the chair, while I shrugged my head, to make those tresses that were covering my eyes to fall back.

I presses my eyes within themselves before opening them wide, as the phosphenes covered me as I rubbed my eyes. I stood up as I lazily moved into the bathroom to freshen myself, most probably awakening my tired eyes.

Being a student of BDS isn’t easy and striving for being a student is more difficult! Hectic schedule, lessons, practicals, testing and the worst would be blood! I shoved the inner talk I had been having and rushed into the bathroom. After, might be around half an hour, I walked out as I patted the towel over my face and slid onto the couch.

I held onto my pen as I grabbed my dairy laying on my belly onto the couch. I tapped the pen on my lips as I flapped the pages of the dairy, yes, I’m a dairyholic if that’s the word! She is my first friend and more of my compassionate who I share all my stuff with! Besides that, the fact that she is loyal! She won’t go and burst out my secrets to everyone, I grinned as I thought.

I kept turning to surpass all my written stuff, from when I first decided to write it, to adding in small to infinite happiness. My lips couldn’t lose that smile as I pulled out the cap of my pen, and initiated to drop in my whole spent time. I stopped at a page as my eyes land on the date. It's the date where i first time wrote something in my diary at the days of my collage. And i still cant forget the day i spent in collage and how after that my life takes a new turn.

( we don't knw the date so :p)
14 june, 2013

‘Dear Dairy,
As you already know, You’re the first I’d share my happiness, sorrow and more incline everything with you. It has been more than a month here as I’m working for my future. It’s a great feeling as I can visualize my dream turning into reality, by each passing day, but it’s not as easy it seems.

The first day here was difficult, leaving everyone, ammi, abbu, appi, especially Falaq! I’m terribly missing my cutie. I know my appi, falaq don't live with us but i used to talk to them daily when i am at home.

Do you know I talked to her like a day back still I’m missing her!

Talking about the studies, well, it’s going fine and great! The same schedule of walking into classes, doing practicals, examining those fake teeth for initial practice, holding that tiny mirror and forceps. Its quite a good thing!

Not to forget about Zoya and Minal! They’re one great and amazing set of friends! Yeah also Chand! I met them and now they are my bestest friends. Minal is my rommie but zou also shares the same bed with us. We are the trouble trio.

I remember that one other day, when we sneaked out from the class as the doctor wasn’t in but an assistant was kept to keep an eye on us, that sucked! I know thats a really bad word to use, but he was such a bore! Usse khud kuch maalum ni tha and seemed I guess confused!

Well, Minamma being Minamma thrilled us in fleeing off the class! Well, I didn’t want dodge but it wasn’t worth to waste anytime!

We sneaked out to treat ourselves at the ice-cream parlour! Ice-cream as you know is my life! The chocolate chip one and yes not to miss out butterscotch!


Dear Dairy,
Today has been a great day, It was my first to independently work on the making of the fake teeth and I pretty well did quite good!

Well, the doctor said I did go so it has to be good! I hope the final test doesn’t gloom me up!

By each passing days, exams, practicals and theories is giving me lots of lots of burdens and sometime these things make me depressed to.

Dear Diary- From Dr.Farheen Malik To Mrs.FarheenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя