"Oh yes I have heard a lot of you Robin."

"Is this your boyfriend I've also been hearing about?" The women said

"No no no... that was Beast boy you have been hearing about. Not Robin." ____ said

"Oh well I must meet the lucky boy." She said

"Actually we were just taking a walk so it's not that far. Here I'll show you." Robin said

They arrived at the tower and the two titans walked in.

"So.. how was your romantic walk?" Cyborg said

"It wasn't romantic Cyborg." Robin said

"Actually I met some people...." ____ said

"Who'ja meet?" Beast boy said.

"Mom,dad, this way!"

They both walked in and the titans gasp.

"Guys these are my parents."

They all walked up to the couple.

"Mom, dad, this is Cyborg."

"How do ya do?" Cyborg responded

"This is Raven."


"This is Starfire."

"Oh how glorious to meet friend ____ parents!"

"And this is Beast boy."

"Hey." He said smiling.

"So this is your boyfriend? I've heard so much about the famous couple."

"Uh yeah." He said smiling.

"Um well mom, dad, do you want to stay in a guest room I'm sure it won't be problem."

"Yes please." The women said

The man and the women both got up and followed their daughter to a room.

"This is weird how did her mother and her father just 'show up'?" Raven said.

"I was there They have been searching for a while to find her." Robin said

"Still I don't have a good feeling."

"Don't worry Rae I'm sure they're fine I mean ____ doesn't have a bad taste in things. She would know if their evil." Beast boy explained

"She doesn't have a good taste if she chose you to be her boyfriend." Raven said

"But you chose me."

"No I said yea because you wouldn't leave me alone."

"Sure Rae."

"It's Raven Beast boy and like it or not her parents are up to something. I just know it."

"Well try telling ____ about that, she'll get mad. And no one likes her when she's mad." Cyborg said

"I'll ask her if she thinks something is up with them if that will satisfy you Rae." Beast boy said

"Raven. And she's coming now." They all went to different spots and pretended like they were doing something.

"Hey um ____? Can I talk to you later? It's nothing bad." Beast boy said

"Um sure Beast boy. But make it before dark my parents have to leave and I want to say goodbye."

"Where would friends parents go in a hurry?" Starfire asked

"I didn't ask, they'll be back."

"I don't understand they saw their daughter for the first time in how long and they wanna leave?" Robin said

"Look don't treat them like they're criminals Robin, they're my parents. They're probably just busy." She said getting a little mad

"It's just odd that's all ____ don't need to get offended." Cyborg said

She sighed," I'm gonna go to bed."

"What about the dinner?" Starfire asked

"I'll skip it Star."____ said walking out

"You shall get hungry are you sure-" Starfire said getting cut off

"I'm sure Starfire." ____ said with her head lowered and blue coming out her closed eyes.

She walked out the room and everyone looked confused.

"This is very the unusual. Friend ____ never gets this sets of up."

"Yeah but she has a lot on her head let's just give her some space. Don't tell her about her parents tonight Beast boy." Robin said to them.

"I won't. Man this keeps getting stranger and stranger."

Teen titans reader insert part 2Where stories live. Discover now