A Trade

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"Shit!" Mike whispered under his breath as he saw the Military Police coming towards the readying scouts. They were due to go outside the wall to deal with a Titan that was getting too close for comfort.

Nile was among them, a stern grimace on his face. He had already a child on the way, he had grown into a real adult.

Mike turned to Erwin and Annalise as they both held the reins of their horses. Both shared a troubled look before walking forwards toward Nile. Commander Keith took notice.

"Annalise, Erwin, it's good to see old friends."

"Nile." Erwin offered his hand and the two of them exchanged a handshake. Annalise didn't smile or make any friendly gesture towards Nile. She looked as though she was ready to fight, her stance was ready for action.

Commander Keith walked over to the trio and they spoke in hushed tones. Mike couldn't hear what wass being said but he watched as Annalise became more agitated.

Soon, the trio dispersed and Commander Keith grabbed on to Erwin's shoulder to steer him away from Annalise. Nile grabbed on to Annalise's arm and began to pull her back.

"Wait!" Annalise exclaimed and reached out for Erwin.

Mike watched intently as she hugged Erwin. Mike narrowed his eyes and watched as she whispered a few words into Erwin's ear.

They separated and Annalise walked briskly towards Nile, casting one last look to Erwin. Erwin turned away and walked back to his horse. He grabbed the reins and walked towards Mike.

"What the hell was that all about?" Mike asked gruffly.

"The Reiss family wants the best protection for their family tonight." Erwin didn't look at Mike as he spoke, something unlike him

"They have the military police for that?" Mike raises an eyebrow.

"It was a direct order for the best of all the recent cadets. She had to take the job."

"Only for tonight?"

"That's what Nile said." Erwin turned toward his horse and gently ran his fingers through its mane.

"That's strange, what do they need protection from?"

"Nile wouldn't say, I don't think he knows."

"He moved up the ranks pretty quickly though."

Erwin was silent for a moment. He collected his thoughts but he was just as confused as Mike. He absentmindedly watched Annalise walk with Nile. She had been acting strange for a long time but Peter's disappearance had put her on edge. She hardly left his side anymore, she was different from the carefree woman he had known her to be. She took night walks by herself and he could her hear crying in her bed when she thought everyone was asleep. He worried for her but she and Peter had been close before he disappeared. He had been jealous at first but now, he understood that Peter probably left the scouts and Annalise knew.

Erwin snapped back to the present and saw Mike staring at him confused. He readjusted himself and cleared his throat and turned back towards Mike.

"He did, he's good at what he does."

The order to ride out was given at that moment. Mike and Erwin climbed on top of their horses. As Erwin grabbed the reins of his horse, he turned his head one last time to see Annalise staring at him from afar. He pulled up his hood on his cape and Annalise caught one last glimpse of his beautiful blue eyes before the regiment moved out.

Nile stared at Annalise as she held up her arm to her stomach. He watched as she turned back toward him.

"What do I do now?" She spoke with a certain air about her. She seemed to become paler as she stood before Nile.

"Are you feeling okay? Perhaps you should see a doctor?" He became concerned with her wellbeing as she straightened up. 

"I think..." She thought for a moment. She had not been feeling well the past couple of weeks, constant headaches and pains in her stomach. "Maybe I should."

Nile nodded and furrowed his eyebrows. He had not seen Annalise in some months but he could tell she had changed. Erwin had once mentioned that she had turned cold after killing a titan for the first time but as he watched her unchanging face look back toward the last of the leaving scout regiment, it scared him.

"Annalise?" He asked and she turned back toward him. Her eyes were no longer filled with any happiness or joy. No sly humor was playing on her lips.

"What if I don't see him ever again?" He heard her voice crack but there was no emotion in her face.

"What do you mean? It's Erwin Smith we're talking about right?" Nile was taken aback.

"I don't mean..." She cut herself off and bowed her head. She began to chuckle softly.

"Sorry Nile, I guess I really do feel sick, perhaps we should get to the doctor soon, I don't want to be late in my first meeting with Lord Reiss." She raised her head to show a faint smile and a spark of life was back in her eyes. Nile felt his discomfort leave him and he smiled and nodded his head.

"Yes, let's hurry."

The two then climbed aboard the wagon and set off for the military police doctor. When they arrived they agreed that Annalise would go inside the doctors house alone. She claimed she would be embarressed if Nile had to go inside with her, she was much tougher than she looked. He agreed and allowed her to go inside on her own.

The appointment took less than ten minutes. Annalise came out of the doctor's house in a hurry and climbed back aboard the wagon. Nile sat up straight. He first noticed her hands were shaking, her breathing was labored and her eyes were wide with fear.

"Annalise are you..."

"I'm fine." Her emotions changed once again.

"You don't look fine."

"The doctor was just telling me my life expectancy as a scout and I got scared, that's all." She formed a forced smile on her face and motioned for Nile to take the reins.

He had never understood her emotional state that day, why she acted the way she did, it was something that haunted him after he dropped her off with the Reiss family. He pondered it as he went home to his wife and child.

What had shaken up Annalise Gurten so bad? She had always had nerves of steel before, hadn't she? Always the one willing to fight back, never afraid?

Nile did not know.

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