Epilogue: Have Mercy

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Mercy's brain had long awoken but her eyelids refused to open. Even when Rodin strolled in and opened her blinds she merely groaned, annoyed more than anything. 

It wasn't until Rosie's cold-wet nose nudged her cheek did she sigh and roll over.

"Red! Call off your hound!" she shouted.

When she didn't get a response she huffed and closed her eyes again. She was actually about to fall back asleep and Rosie seemed to notice because she licked Mercy's face. The hellhounds large tongue was nearly big enough to completely wrap around her face, slithering down one cheek then under his chin before finally reaching the other as it.

"Rodin Eustice MacLeod!" Mercy screamed, flying upright and glaring at the spot she knew the hellhound to be sitting, probably smug that it had completed it's given task of waking her up. If she could actually see the thing like Rodin could she would pat its head, perk's of being a resident of hell for hundreds of thousands of years maybe? Or maybe it was the born witch--Warlock!--thing; she didn't know...

As it was though, she would probably get her arm bitten off because she accidentally put it in Rosie's mouth instead of on her head. The hellhound seemed to devour just about anything that was put near her mouth, it's really a surprise she still has her head, but then again Mercy was sure Rodin made it clear that she wasn't food.

She decided she didn't want to risk it. 

Her internal debate was cut short when a voice broke through the silence. "Hey, look who returned to the world of the living," Dean commented as he walked past her room, "Come on kid, lunch is in the kitchen!" he yelled as he continued down the hall.

Mercy tries to reminisce as she makes her way into the kitchen. She vaguely remembers downing a water bottle the night before so her hangover wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been and Rodin, curse him, was actually chipper for once this morning. 

She was actually about to make a comment on him using magic to cure his hangover but before she could Jo came into the kitchen and gave him a quick peck on the cheek and well... that pretty much summed it up.

"How'd you sleep?" Dean asked as he slipped into the seat beside Castiel who was currently reading a newspaper and nursing a cup of coffee. Mercy leveled him a blank look and the man snorted.

"Well I don't know about you, but I slept fine," Lucifer piped up, his hands coming to rest firmly on Mercy's bare shoulders. She did not jump, she didn't! Lucifer still looked smug as he took the seat next to her. 

"Fucker," she grumbled as the man reached over to the plate of eggs.

Lucifer looked at her, amused, god this guy was always amused--with her. Did... holy hell did he like her?


Mercy paled. "W-what?" she stuttered and Lucifer smirked. 

"Yes. I do like you," he said smugly and Mercy's heart clenched because maybe... just maybe. She liked him too.

"Have Mercy, please," Michale said as he sat on the other side of Rodin and Mercy thought, and later regretted the thought, that no wonder Red was so chipper this morning.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 14, 2018 ⏰

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