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If asked, Sierra Burgess wouldn't be able to pinpoint the moment in her life in which she fell in love with Veronica.

It could've been the first time she saw Veronica show off her soft side, giggling and blushing as she recounted the story of her first kiss in the sixth grade to Sierra.

Maybe it was when Sierra finally got the chance to see Veronica with her hair down instead of in that infamous tight, bitchy ponytail that she'd worn an invisible crown so proudly on top of, and listened to her open up about her life.

A strong possibility could be the first time Veronica slept over at Sierra's, and upon waking up cuddled together in the morning, instead of pulling away in disgust as expected, Veronica only woke Sierra up and fell into a fit of laughter with her about it before going downstairs to eat breakfast.

Or it could've been the fateful moment when Sierra finally got the chance to meet Jamey as herself and realized that maybe she wasn't as in love with him as she thought she was.

Whichever moment it could've been, it had absolutely fed into the infatuation and deep feelings she grew for her friend. 

For Veronica, you wouldn't think that the popular mean girl would become friends with someone like Sierra, much less fall in love with her. But it happened. 

And the factors in why and how it came to be like this were endless. Sierra became the supportive, healthy friendship (for the most part) Veronica so desperately needed in her life. Sierra saw Veronica for more than just the shallow, soulless shell of a person she'd convinced everyone that she was.

Sierra had taken the idea that beauty was only skin deep and ran with it, getting to know who Veronica was and loving her for her, not for how she looked. 

All of these things were strong circumstances in which Veronica could've fallen for Sierra as hard as she did.

But before we get ahead of ourselves, we could take a little time to backtrack here and pinpoint for Sierra and Veronica the exact instances in which they knew they wanted to be with each other for the rest of their lives.

After all, how does the ruthless queen bee of a high school find her soft side and realize she wants nothing more than to love and cherish a loser?

i do not claim ownership of the characters and/or universe they're set in. i only claim ownership over the story being told between sierra burgess and veronica (the story that should've been told yeet!) all rights belong to netflix and lindsey beer, so please don't sue me🤠

Sierra Burgess is a Sapphic Loser (hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now