LV. The King in the North Part I

Start from the beginning

Robb was at a loss. He had seen her cry many times, after all - they had been through almost everything together, but this was different. Normally, she would cry silently, tears flowing with quiet whimpers falling from her lips. Now, the Northern native was positively sobbing, her cries surely loud enough for any nearby wights to hear.

He couldn't bring himself to reassure her that they would find their way out of this, or pretend that their family was coming back to save them. For the first time in his whole life, Robb had taken a complete and utter blank, which terrified him beyond belief.

Noticing how violent her shaking was, and her lack of warm clothing, he clutched onto her and dragged her towards his body. Robb carefully cradled her head against his chest as she continued to cry, making sure they were pressed together as tightly as possible.

He could hear the grunts of the wights nearby, and knew that they were coming closer with every passing second. But perhaps this was how it would end. Maybe their journey stopped here.

"Can you fight?" He whispered into her soaked hair, which only spurred her crying to worsen.

"M-my l-leg," her teeth chattered, and Robb finally realised that she wasn't just crying because she thought they were going to die. Fianna was clutching her upper thigh, staring at her now-obviously disfigured left leg.

"Fuck," he swore, eyes wide as he leaned over her to inspect the damage. He had no training with medicine, but he didn't need to be a maester to know her leg was broken. And without anyone here to set it back, it would impact her ability to walk.

Not that they were going to walk out of here, none the less.

"It's okay, it's okay," he murmured, sobs of his own building in his chest. Robb settled his forehead against the side of her head, so she wouldn't be able to see his tears. "I love you, Fianna."

"Y-you should run," she forced out, her gaze fixating on a group of wights that were heading in their direction. "Leave me here, and g-go home to our ch-children."

"I'm not leaving you here," he responded gruffly, appalled at the suggestion.

"D-do it for them! Please, R-Robb!" Sighing exasperatedly at her insinuations, he cupped her cheek and pressed a delicate kiss to her forehead.

"I can't live without you," he revealed, her eyes snapping to his as she realised he wasn't going to leave her. Not now, not ever.

Shrugging his fur off of his shoulders, immediately clamping his mouth closed at the wave of cold that froze his body instantly, he gently wrapped it around her and began to stand. If this was to be their last moments, he wanted it to be as easy as possible for her.

Bending down to pick up the sword he discarded when he tried to save Fianna, he clenched it hard enough for his knuckles to whiten, and raised it high into the air.

Through her shaking, Fianna couldn't take her eyes off of him for one second, not even to look for the incoming wights. He was the most magnificent man she had ever met, she recognised, and if he was to be the last thing she'd ever see - so be it.

"I love you," she managed to whisper, but it's volume got lost in the harsh winds. Seconds away from the wights reaching them, he chanced a glance back down to Fianna, his lips lifting into the tiniest of smiles. It was hard to say who felt more guilty - Fianna for falling through the ice, which prompted Robb to stay behind for her. Or Robb, for leaving to go North at all.

Winter In My Heart | ROBB STARK.Where stories live. Discover now