Chapter 1: The Encounter

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(Y/n) POV

Standing at the edge of the clearing is a young human. I snarled at him. He backs away, but suddenly we hear a sound of many foot falls. He scrambles forward and dashes past me, to the other side. Suddenly, from the way he came, bursts an odd trio of young humans. Except... they're female and they have strange... parts. One has a long, scaly tail. Another has the bottom half of a spider and the final one has small bat like wings. They look around a bit, before spotting me.

"Who are you?"

I just glare in response. I seem to understand their words, but I'm not sure if I can respond. Suddenly a voice yells

"Alia? Have you found him?"

"Yeah! He's hiding behind a weird guy!"

"Don't move we're coming!"


I take a cautious step backwards. I could see this weird stuff floating around the girls. It's like I can see their scents. Or something else. Suddenly, group of humans walk out from the forest behind the young trio. The young ones rush up to them and wrap their arms around the one with a long hair.

"Are you alright you three? Where's Arthur?"

"Over there! Behind the weird man!"

The group look up at me. Some of their eyes widen in shock while the others glare.

"What... are you?"

I think I should try to respond.

"I... I am... called.... the Indoraptor."

"Indoraptor? What's that?"

"A... living... weapon... a monster."

P.S The Indoraptor looks like this in human form

S The Indoraptor looks like this in human form

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