Chapter 34: The Art Show

Start from the beginning

The art show and auction are in full swing and I'm sitting behind a large desk while I run the cash register. Brad is running the auction on the auditorium's small stage, which I'm extremely grateful for.
I do not want to stand in front of people right now. Not with my ever so noticeable, pregnant belly...
I texted my mom and asked her to bring me something looser to wear, but she said she couldn't leave work.
I guess I'm stuck in this telltale dress...
Hopefully, no one notices. I just won't stand up.
And then, a giant weight presses down on my bladder.
Of course.
"Gosh, dang it, little one. Do you have to make me pee right now?" I mutter to my stomach.
As if in response, that giant weight increases its pressure on my bladder even further.
Dang it. You sure know how to push Mommy's buttons, don't you...
I wave down Kway who is just a ways off and she hurries over. "Charlotte, you've both done a marvelous job! I'm so proud of you!"
"Thanks! Um, I'm sorry, but could you take my place for a moment? I need to use the restroom."
"Of course. Is everything alright?"
"Yeah, everything's fine. It'll just be a minute."
"Okay." Looking somewhat baffled, Kway takes my place as I dash off to the bathroom.
On my way back, I strategically place my arms over my stomach in an X and pray that no one notices me. After some close maneuvering through the assortment of people, Kway becomes visible and I let out a sigh of relief.
Almost out of the line of fire...
It's a female voice. A very familiar female voice.
I attempt an escape, but it's too late. She has me ensnared. "Charlotte! Oh my gosh! How are you?? I didn't know you work here! We've missed you at Glenda's Diner!"
It's Maddie. My old coworker.
What is she doing here?
And then I'm reeled into a signature Maddie hug, that's all tight squeezing and no escaping.
Oh crap. She can feel my...
She pulls away in an instant as her eyes zone in on my belly and enlarge to the size of Jupiter. "OH MY GOSH, CHARLOTTE! YOU'RE PREGNANT??"
A hush sweeps over the auctioning auditorium, Brad's consistent voice into the microphone dies, all heads crank around to face me and all eyes suction to my body. About 100 pairs of eyes.
Maddie gapes at me, waiting for an answer, but all I can do is spin around and bolt toward the exit.
As I break free from the tantalizing judgement of others, a dam ruptures within my eyes and a torrent of water escapes down my cheeks.
This is not how I wanted my coworkers and my boss to find out.
How embarrassing...
They're just gonna judge me and my relationship with Jaxon even more...
Before I know it, I'm outside, in front of Woodmere's Art Gallery, right where I saw Jaxon for the last time.
Where we separated...
The giant current of water that's tumbling down my face intensifies and I crumble to the cement.
I want Jaxon.
I wish he was here.
I wish he'd wrap his arms around me and just hold me forever...
As if to answer my internal wish, 2 caring arms encircle my body and pull me toward a hard and warm chest.
I peer up through a haze of tears and vaguely make out Brad.
Of course.
Why would it be Jaxon?
And somehow, I don't care. I lean into his caring embrace and he tightens his grip on me. "Shhh. It's okay, Charlotte. I'm here for you."
I simply nod and bury my face even deeper into his chest.
I need this.
I need someone right now.
And the 1 person I need the most isn't here, so Brad will just have to do...
After what seems like an eternity of soaking Brad's sky blue, button up shirt with my tears, a loud horn jolts me out of my misery. It's my mom's white and rusty Honda Civic. She rolls down the window and eyes us suspiciously. I shove Brad away in an instant and his honey eyes are injured.
"Thanks Brad. My mom's here, so I gotta go." I dash to the car and bolt inside before he can protest.
My mom raises an eyebrow at me. "Who was that?"
"Brad. He's just a coworker."
"Just a coworker, huh? Do you get that close with all your coworkers?"
"Mom, I don't like him, okay? I was just upset and he was trying to comfort me. That's all."
"Uh huh..."
"Mom, please. What are you doing here this early anyway?"
She lifts up a Thanksgiving themed Moo Moo with turkeys dancing happily across the maroon fabric. I can't suppress a faint smile. "I brought you something to change into."
"I thought you said you couldn't leave work?"
"Martin came in early today to cover for me."
"So, why are you so upset?"
"Can you just take me home?"
"You wanna leave? But you put so much work into this art show and auction..."
"I don't wanna be here anymore. I'll just text my boss and tell her I'm feeling sick again."
"But why, sweetie?"
"They all found out."
"That I'm pregnant!" And the pathetically patched up dam in my eyes is ruptured once more. "Maddie was there and she blurted it out to everyone! She might as well have been crying it from the rooftops! Everyone knows now!"
"Oh honey, I'm so sorry..." My mom puts the car in drive and begins pulling out of the parking lot.
As she rolls out onto the road, I catch a glimpse of a black 300C in my peripheral vision.
My eyes zone in on it immediately, but it speeds out of the parking lot, onto the road and out of sight.
Was that Jaxon's car? Or am I going crazy?
How long has it been there?
Did he see all of that?
There's no way it could've been him...
He gave up on me...
He gave up on us.
I cradle my now very visible baby bump as that dark thought cements in my brain.

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