The meetibg of the sectet societu

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Robbie sat impatiently because he was impatient and waiting for the meeting to start
He was only there because it was for all the worst bad guy people in the world and he's a. Ad guy

"hello darlings sit is i the joker but gte joker was all blocky. it made robbie verby concerne

"ar eyou ok joker??' he asked with lots of concernde licking his vocie 

"i am actually the lego hoker" the sexy green haired man smikrd in reply "the REAL one.."

oh no hes hot robbie thought o himself in ahis squidward coice. he did a ery good impression oif squidbarbb

you see, robbei was actually gay gbut his haerdt was broken. he had been sportaciss boyf wbut then sporticuts got anger and he kicked robbei aouut of laxyto wn due to populr deand from stephanie the yenadere.. she was a reverse pedophile.. noew robbie had noone to trust and tsi made him very sad

anyway back to the present because character backstoeures are boring aveenery one knows that especially in anime

joker looked at robbie in a concernd eay "are you ok? you havent responded for 2.4 seconds oh is that juwst it? you dont like me???" he accused him without pr00fer

"nono i love you" oh no robbie had just what had he wsaid? oh dear "i mean i dont love you ike gay ness i love your suit. its purple i like purple"

"og.. ph thanks..." joker blushed a bit he liked purple too omg!! they ust be destibedto be a couple...

"i like yoyr eyebrows theyr very seductive..." joker complimnt ed robbie in return so he wasny beong rude

'OH thank " smiled robbie blushing a but

"shut up you disgusting rAts" yelled gibsquop. h was a glitchy boyo and he used to belong to property of jeremy heere because be more chill reference ecks dee! 
""now we aew all badd guys.. i wanted to gather us all here to remind you thay thank "

everyone left

after the meeting roobei ran up to joker and stooedp him from leaving without him "hey.. wanna get some pizza"

"oH YES I LOVE PIZZA YIM YUM" shrieked joker and shattering robbeis ear lobes

"yim yum lets go then" robbei grinned widely so his teeth culd repair his ears

this is only the beginning

Rotten (Robbie Rotten x Lego Joker) by skrankyyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora