I May Be In An Asylum, But I'm Not Crazy

Start from the beginning

"Hubbard? As in Damian Hubbard?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Bring him in here! Please! He'll know me as soon as he sees me!"

"Um, fine, I guess," Regina said flatly. "Dr. Hubbard, the patient is requesting to see you," she whispered into her radio again.

"I'll be right there," the radio echoed back, the trace of Damian's deep, smooth tone amongst the static bringing tears to Janis' eyes.

"Hey, don't cry, he'll be here in a second to check you out. Chill out, okay?" Regina turned to leave.

"Wait, wait, don't go! You have to remember me! I swear, we were best friends, and then this whole...incident happened in eighth grade, with a space alien and four butts and you not inviting me to a pool party, please, you have to believe me! I may be in a fucking asylum, but I'm not crazy! Please, tell me you remember!" Janis begged Regina, staring into her icy blue eyes that somehow looked a little bit more tender.

"I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about, or how you know all this stuff. I've honestly never seen you before in my life."

Janis had lost control of her mouth by now. "This whole thing, all the stuff you just listed, it's...it's all because of you! You, you did all this, every day you made my life a living hell, so bad that I couldn't take it anymore, and...and..." Janis choked back sobs, but the tears were already flowing down her pale cheeks. "No, no, it's all your fault! It's all your fault!" She was screaming at Regina now, sobbing profusely. She had never intended for Regina, of all people, to see even a single tear slip down her cheek, but now she was getting the full freak show and there was nothing Janis could do about it.

"Hey, hey, Dr. Hubbard, she's breaking fast! You'd better hurry down here!" Regina frantically yelled into her radio. If Janis' arms weren't restrained, she would have snatched the radio out of Regina's pink nail polish painted fingers and smashed it to bits against the hard tile floor. "Get me out of here! I never want to see you again, bitch!" Janis fidgeted awkwardly underneath the straps, her mouth being the only weapon she could use to attack Regina.

Dr. Hubbard burst through the door, the loud buzz returning momentarily until the door was slammed shut. He carried a large, black medical bag, overflowing with supplies, and he brought in an IV, which was already filled to the brim with medications that Janis had no idea what they were. He knelt beside the restless girl, his presence mysteriously calming her. "Hey, calm down, okay? There, there you go. We're just gonna give you a little something to make you feel a little more relaxed. It'll only pinch a little."

"Wait, Damian, no, please, don't!" Janis wailed desperately. "I can't, I hate that bitch, she can't remember! She has to! I'm not crazy!"

Damian stared at her, his mouth agape. He was confused, and frankly a little frightened, as to how Janis could possibly know his name. Janis looked into his eyes, pleading, and something in him caused him to give up. Seeing this girl in such a frantic state broke him. It was one of the worst parts of being a doctor in an asylum. Especially when they're as young as she was. Seeing someone collapse so quickly, and be so sure that they're right when they're completely not and there was little he could do to convince them otherwise was heartbreaking.

"Dr. Hubbard, what are you doing? Give her the IV!" Regina waved a hand in front of his face, wondering how he got hired as the head doctor while she was just a measly RN. She had gone from being queen bee in high school, through college and med school, and somehow, now, there was someone above her, someone completely unqualified, and it baffled her.

"No, no, she doesn't need the IV. That'll only stress her out more."

"She's fucking delirious, Doctor. She thinks you're her best friend."

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