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The next thing I heard was a "next." I look and see i was next in line. As I make my way up to the testing room I glance at harry to see that he was staring at me.

when I walked into building I was tooken to a room where they had test tubes and many other things.

"Hello im Mrs.Fisher today I will be giving you your test. So the first thing I am going to do is give you a paper test. There are 15 questions. So go ahead and begin"

I grabbed my penciled and started to fill in the answers.

1. Would you rather be twice as smart or twice as happy? twice as happy.

2. Unlimited love or money? unlimited love.

3. Who is the one person you hate in your family? There is no one in my family I hate I love every single one of them.

4. Who do you look up to most in life? My mother.  She is amazing. 

5. Do you believe in God? Yes.

6.What is your biggest dream in life? To be able to find the live of my life on my own.

7. Do you shy away from real love? I love real love so no.

8. What do you think of this expression: Where there was fire, ashes remain. When you say words that tear down people you are throwing fire at them. After you are done with them you leave scars which are the ashes you leave them in.

9. Do you usually follow your heart or your head? My heart.

10. If you could change something about your life, what would it be? My mother and father being back together again.

11.What is it that you are passionate about? Love, because it is such a strong felling. That will never go away.

12. Name 5 of the most important things in your life? Love, family, intelligence, hope, and peace.

13. What are the three things that you cannot live without? Books, music, family

14. Biggest fear in life? Oblivion.

15. what quote mean most to you?

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt." (-TFIOS)


**Next day**

Beep! beep!  I swing my arm over to my alarm clock.  I dragged my feet across the floor as I walked into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, did my hair, and other things i needed to do.


I walked down stairs with my bag and when to grab a bagel. I walked out the door with my mom heading towards the car.

"So sometime next week you need to go back and take the second part of the testing "

All I did was nod. When my mother pulled up the school I hopped out if the car with my mouth almost full of bagel. I walked into Class and took a seat. Im not really that person who is friends with everybody and harry is the reason for that. The bell rang and the class room was soon full of students. Today was the first day of my senior high school year and I am very happy to soon be released from all this torture harry has caused me. I soon noticed that harry was now were to see seen, but its pretty much a tradition thing for harry to be late on the first day of school. 

"Hello students I am mrs. Fox and I am going to be your photography teacher. Today we are gonna just touch the basic topics on photography. You have 10 seconds to pick a partner , grab a camera and leave. Oh by leave I mean go to a appropiate site on campus. All my class mates soon find their partners, leaving me alone. Just as I was walking up the grab a camera Harry walked in.

"Uhh.. yeah Harry late the usual. Why dont you partner up with Dakota? yeah." she just had to. Thanks mrs.Fox i reeally needed that.

           Grabbing a camera I walked passed Harry making sure our shoulders bumbed mumbling a "hurry up". Me and Harry decided to go walk to a little water fountain near the back of the school. Harry being the prick he is ran off to some friends near by.  Leaving me to take all the pictures, not that I'm complaining. After 10 minuets or so I checked my watch to see how much time I have left.  Glancing over to Harry and his friends , and yes they are messing around with Harold. Harold is not the most popular kid in the world, big glasses, perfect grades, and classic dress up clothes. Me being the "caring" person I am walked myself over to the group to stick up for Harold.

"Hey Harry! Quit picking on the kid yeah?"

"Hey Daktoa! Back off yeah? stupid move of you to try and help Harold very stupid."

"Okay Harry quit with the shit. Leave the poor nerd alone."

"Awe whats the poor little baby gonna do?" Ugh Harrys friends butting into this stuff. Seeing Harry eye his friend Devon they let Harold go.

"Are you okay?"

"Um.. Yeah thanks??"

"Dakota. Your nose um... its bledding let me take you to the nurse."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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