Chapter 2

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The two Jedi watched them walk away towards the Jedi temple. They'd have to catch up with them in a moment, so this had to be kept brief.

"So your girlfriend asked you to train her precious niece," Anakin stated, crossing his arms before glancing at his former master rather confidently. "Yes, She is strong in the Force, I'm rather worried that she hasn't started training sooner. She's dangerously powerful," he replied before realising what Anakin called Satine. "Anakin! Satine is not my girlfriend!" He announced, making his former Padawan crack a chuckle. "You and Bella seem to have a lot in common from what I can see. She's a bit like you," he said before he walked up to the ladies walking away. Soon enough Obi-Wan followed almost rolling his eyes.

When they caught up to them, they were discussing politics, unsurprisingly. Obi-wan noted that her political views took greatly into account Satine's but had aspects of his own opinions which seemed odd considering Satine is very strict about her beliefs and they're practically 2 sides of the same coin in politics. This should make teaching her interesting, he thought.

"So Annabella, how's Coruscant so far?" Ahsoka asked out of curiosity. "It's absolutely breathtaking! So different from Mandalore and every building has a different architectural style, it's fascinating," she replied rather formally.

Obi-wan observed as they talked staying awfully quiet. Bella was very formal, as expected, yet she seemed pretty casual in her way of expressing her words and it made her a very interesting person to listen to. His mind wondered back to Satine, her niece was so much like her it was unreal. Every aspect he knew and loved and remembered about Satine lived on in Bella, making her quite the interesting character.

He thought back to what Anakin said, "she's a bit like you," played on repeat in his head. In all honesty, he switched off a bit when Bella was talking to Padmé after he chimed in, so maybe Anakin was right for once. "Well then, I'll let you get settled and we can have tea later to finish this off," Padmé stated as they were at the Jedi temple entrance. "Of course, I shall see you later Senator," Bella said with a smile.

As Padmé turned to leave, with Anakin and Ahsoka escorting her back, Bella was left with her temporary teacher once again. They walked through the halls, barely talking, so Obi-Wan tried to start a conversation. "So, if I may ask, how do you know Senator Amidala?" He asked glancing over at her. "She's friends with my," she stumbled on her words as she almost said mother, "Auntie. She introduced me to her on her last visit to Mandalore and we've had quite the debates, and casual chatters of course. She's very approachable," she replied.

Obi-Wan had his head somewhere else, which was rare he was usually very focused. He was thinking about how suddenly he found out about Bella from Satine. So he spoke without thinking, "Yes, she don't have to be so formal, I'm not that bothered about it that much."

This comforted her in a way but also confused her a bit. "I...I don't?" She asked just to make sure. He simply nodded, then she sighed in relief. She was always told to be formal unless she had permission not to, therefore, being formal became the norm for her to the point of almost forgetting how to be casual. "Thank goodness," she muttered after she was told she didn't have to mind her words so much.

Obi-Wan smiled a little, her tension is gone, so now guiding her in the Force will be easier, at least in his opinion. "You know, Master Kenobi, in all honesty you're a lot nicer than I thought you'd be," she admitted in a fairly relaxed tone. "Really?" He asked, "how so?"
"Well for starters, you didn't mind explaining to Senator Amidala my situation here, you introduced me to Ahsoka and General Skywalker. Ahsoka is a pleasure to talk to honestly, and lastly you said I don't need to be formal around you. That's probably the nicest anyone has ever been to me," she said smiling slightly. She didn't like admitting her feelings and personal thoughts, her mother advised always against it so it was uncomfortable to talk about so openly.

Obi-wan navigated through the temple to his 2 bedroom apartment, from the days Anakin was his Padawan. "This is the spare bedroom, make yourself at home," he said politely as they walked in.

Bella looked around, it was a very simple apartment, as expected, and a nice contrast to what she's used to back home. She walked into the small room the Jedi directed her into and put her bag on the floor.

Obi-wan took note of her, she had a child like curiosity of the world around her, which was understandable, but she also possessed the skills to become a great political leader. After seeing her with Senator Amidala he knew Satine probably taught her everything she knew in precise detail, enough for her to have her own opinion and be able to debate it confidently.

He took the outfit the council gave him hoping it'll fit her. "Bella, this is a temporary outfit the Jedi council requested you'd wear for your safety, as a disguise if you will," he said presenting the Jedi uniform to her. She took it gratefully, admiring the faintly ice blue and beige garment. "Thank you, that's very kind," she replied politely.

"What would you like to eat? You must be hungry after the trip," the Jedi asked feeling peckish himself. "I don't mind, I'm not picky with food," she replied. He nodded, actually considering what to prepare.

He decided to be simple and make some sandwiches, as Bella was going to Senator Amidala later anyway, and he knew he wasn't a great cook. When the sandwiches were ready he placed 2 plates on the dinning table and sat down.

Bella joined him a few minutes later already changed into the Jedi clothes. Her long fiery brown locks tied securely into a ponytail. She ate silently, even if the she did find the sandwiches disgusting she certainly didn't show it, in Obi-wan's opinion.

After that, they didn't really talk much, Obi-wan was meditating and Bella was reading. In his meditation, the Jedi had a vision:

Mandalore, destroyed. Occupied by the dark side.
Satine, in prison, waiting for him to help.

In all of this, in the end there was a figure, saving them in their time of need. Who this figure was, was unclear to him. They wielded 2 lightsabers, both the complete opposite of each other. One was the Mandalorian Darksaber. The figure seemed to reflect pure balance, physically.

A voice called out to him, "Master Kenobi?" It sounded like Satine yet he knew the voice wasn't from his vision. "Master Kenobi." It began to clarify and gained a little more accent. "Master Kenobi?" He felt his reached out Force retract back to him, and he realised the one the voice belonged to was Bella.

His eyes opened suddenly, looking around the room briefly. His vision was too vague to make anything out. His gaze wondered to Bella, "Yes what is it?" He asked.
"I'm sorry to disturb your meditation but could we please go to Senator Amidala?" She apologised and asked the Jedi. "Of course, my apologies I've lost track of time," he replied getting up.

They both went out and made their way to Senator Amidala's apartment. Coruscant had a beautiful sunset which Bella admired on the way. Padmé didn't live too far away from the Jedi temple so getting there wasn't a problem.

When they got there, Padmé was with Anakin, talking. The Senator was excited to see her friend's niece as she greeted her warmly, almost in a motherly fashion, so Anakin took a hint to leave with his former master for a walk while they talked.

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