I nod and he walks to the drivers side. He doesn't say anything as we drive. I'm seriously shaking from rage. Zach goes and talks to him about me and he still doesn't even try?

I pretend to sleep as a guard let's Jerome through. But as soon as we're parked I'm out of the car. I make my way to the set and Jerome runs behind me to catch up. He grabs my hand before I open the door.

"Let me talk to him first. Please, Kylie." He says.

I nod and I go stand over in the shadows by the building.

A couple seconds later he walks out with Ansel. My heart drops and I forget about why I'm mad.

"Dude what's up? You look scared." Ansel laughs. I'm glad this is so easy for him.

Jerome nervously runs his hand over the back of his neck. "Yeah. I was gonna wait until tomorrow to come but Kylie wanted to talk to you tonight." He says.

Ansel eyes get big. "YOU BROUGHT KYLIE?!" He yells.

I walk away from the side of the building. "Yeah he did." I say

Ansel's face is emotionless. I almost cry because of it.

Ansel's POV

I could seriously kill Jerome right now. How could he do this? And...why the fuck is she wearing my shirt?"

Kylie's POV

"Why didn't you tell me Zach came to your house?!" I yell.

"Quit yelling." He calmly says. The more calm he is the more pissed off I am.

"Answer the question!" I yell again, ignoring his words.

"Damn it, Kylie!" When he says my name I cringe. It hurts to hear him say it. "I fucking work here. Do you not understand that I can actually get fired from this shit? And why the hell are you wearing my clothes?" He asks.

Tears start falling from my eyes. I unzip my jacket and throw it down. I take his shirt off. His and Jerome's eyes get big. I throw it at him.

I stand there in my bra and I cry. "How can you be fine?" I sob. I don't give him to reply and I walk away.

I'm sitting in the car for a minute before Jerome gets back. He hands me my jacket. I thank him and put it on.

"I'm sorry." I say to him, then I break down, right there in the car.

Ansel's POV

I sit outside the building. They're probably wondering where I am. I sit on the ground holding the shirt in my hands. I think about what she said. 'How can you be fine?' I almost laugh. But at the same time I want to throw something. How am I fine? I'm going crazy without her. I feel a tear fall down my face.

"Hey? Are you okay?" Shai asks, sitting down beside me.

"Uh no, I don't think so." I say.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"I don't...I don't want to talk about it." I shake my head.

"Well, let's get in there and you can put this emotion into your acting." She smiles.

I laugh and follow her in.


The next morning I wake up and I'm madder than hell. How dare she come to my workplace with my friend wearing my clothes? I have the morning off so I take one of the cars and make my way to the hotel they're staying at.

I don't stop at the front desk to tell them who I'm here to see. I just make my way to the stairs, in too big of a hurry to take the elevator.

I pound on the door until Jerome opens it. I push past him and I walk in, seeing her on the bed. She's asleep. A part of me is telling me to leave her be. She has my hat in her hands. I rub my hands on my face and lean against the wall.

She opens her eyes then and sees me. The anger is gone for a second. But resurfaces just as soon.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yell.

She stands up coming towards me.

"I can ask the same to you! Why didn't you tell Zach came to your apartment!?" She asks.

"Well I could say it's none of your damn business but I think I'll entertain myself. Okay so he comes over and giving me this bullshit story, you two probably made up, about how I can't make the same mistake he did and not think that you actually have feelings for me. And like a complete dumbass, I believe it and I go to your house looking for you, only to find out that, you guessed it, YOU'RE STAYING AT HIS FUCKING HOUSE!"

Kylie's POV

I want to yell at him about so much right now, but one part really catches my attention.

"Bullshit story we made up? How do you figure that? I had NO idea he was going over to your house! I didn't know he talked to you until the other fucking day, you asshole! Why do you keep thinking you know what you're talking about when you have no idea!" I scream.

He stops taking it in.

"Exactly!" I continue. "You think that you know everything and you make up these twisted accusations about me! Am I that bad of a person to you?"

"Why did you move in with him?" He asks.

"Because he was there when you wasn't!" I yell.

Ansel's POV

Ouch. That stung. But I'm not finished.

"What else did you do with him?" I ask.

"I kissed him. That's it."

"You kissed him? How the fuck am I supposed to believe you if all you ever do is lie to me?" I yell

She screams loudly in exasperation. "Why are you so dumb?!" She yells. She moves to me but Jerome holds her back. "Why are you so damn blind?!"

"What are you talking about?!" I yell. "You lie to me about how you feel and you kiss him and move in with him! You ask me why I'm fine? I'm the one that sat at home for days not leaving! And you? You move in with Zach! How am I fine? How the fuck are you fine, Kylie? I'm not fine at all! Everything was a lie!"

She pushes Jerome's arms off her and walks towards me. She points at herself. "I am not fine! You are an idot! Everything I told you was true! I do love you! Okay? Are you happy? I love you more than I've ever loved anyone! And it scares the hell out of me because I don't know what to do! Is that what you want to hear? Every minute I'm not with you I can't stand it!"

I can't believe what she said. She actually does love me. And it scares her.

"I don't want you to be scared." I whisper, moving towards her.

Tears are pouring down her face. I gently wipe them away.

"I guess it doesn't matter now does it?" She asks.

"I guess not." I say.

More Than friends. (An Ansel Elgort Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now