Some Dreams

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dream with kitties.

I dreamed I was at my mom's house and there were all these kitties in the backyard. Four more kitties came into the window. There were about 15 or 16. And then, all the kitties were in the backyard, including the four new ones. All the kitties stayed together in a group except this one small black kitten. I got my Flip cam and I turned it on. All the remaining kitties kind of grouped together, looked into the camera and smile. That was fun.


In my dream last nite, it was snack time and there were several snack options. There were several snack options, and the snack person described each one, ending with, "...or back up for pumper-pump." I chose the last one. It was a pizza made with the dough made with a combination of pumperncikel bread and pumpkin bread, with several strips of bacon on top. It was yum. I was eating it in the dream, and my kitty Spot meowed and woke me up.

movie dream

I had a dream that seemed to be a lot like this movie I saw, even though I do NOT remember a movie like this IRL. The original movie featured this guy getting married, and the prequel, released a few years later, featured his best friend's wedding. I was sitting next to Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine from Star Trek: Voyager) and I was asking how this relates to the story arc. Not so much for the movie as for real life, thinking this was just a re-enactment of the movie. Jeri asked me, "Movie? What movie?" and then I realized, I was actually IN the movie! I said something about Star Trek being a TV series, which angered the nearby Robert Beltran (Chakotay from Voyager), who was really annoyed at all the people who think that Star Trek is just a TV show.

Eventually, we got to a scene where two men at the wedding ran out of the room and went to the ladies room where these ladies were changing clothes. They stole the ladies' clothes for some reason and one of them ran out to the parking lot, where the football coach of the local high school was giving a ride to the football stadium. He asked the coach if he could get a ride to the stadium (in a later scene, he would be reunited with his friend at the stadium) and the coach turns to the kids and says, "Sorry guys" and they leave the car. The coach apparently does NOT know this is a guy! And that's when I woke up.

tori dream. yayness.

I dreamed I was in the Tori Amos Museum, and I was about to go into the section with the American Doll Posse. They had these wax statues of Pip, Clyde, Santa, and Isobel, & all sorts of fun thingies. Tori's daughter Tash was actually in the museum when I was there, but she was not in my dream. I got some kind of text message or e-mail saying that in the future, 3D images beamed directly into the brain will be very popular & people will really like the images of the ADP, featuring music by Tori.

dream: Beatles song

I had a dream about a song by The Beatles besides I Am The Walrus that mentions the walrus, but it was NOT Glass Onion. The song had a different animal from around the same region as the walrus, maybe something like a polar bear or something. But somehow, the song was really sad! Just thinking about the song made you sad. My kitty Spot meowed when I typed that, maybe she knows the song and she is thinking about it.

fz dream

I dreamed that me, my brother Ken and some of his friends were in a movie theater but there was NOT a movie playing. In a lot of dreams, I have these DVDs and videos of Frank Zappa, and in this one I had a DVD of The Mothers playing Billy The Mountain on TV. I put the DVD into a DVD player in the theater and the movie came up on the screen and people came in and we were all watching it together. Of course the version in the dream was completely different than either the version on Just Another Band From L.A. or the Playground Psychotics version, or the live version I downloaded.

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