A Letter To Him

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Dear Nestor,

    One day this little kindergartener came up and sat by me on the bus to school, he told me his name was Nestor. From then on I knew you would be my best friend. We did everything together because we lived right down the street from each other, we were inseparable. After that day we made our own little tradition, remember? Everyday on the bus you would bring us Mazapan and split it and give me the bigger half when you knew I wouldn't eat it. When it was recess time you took my little hand in yours and took us towards the playground, I remember when you would always ditch your little group of friends just to play with me, because I was shy. Then as we grew older we were together every second of the day me reading my book and you playing with your toy cars under the big tree in my front yard, and when we got bored we would climb up the tree and sit there and talk until the sun went down, it was only till your brother came that you hesitantly climbed down the tree to leave but not before leaving a kiss on my cheek every time. I remember every time that I cried you would come and sit by the door and wait until I was ready to come out and when I did you would be there to hug me tight and whisper soothing words in my ears. You always made me feel safe and better, but then I moved and I know it broke you more than me, because our tradition would be over. You made the most fun out of the situation when we were in school though we would play only with each other and wouldn't have a care in the world up until the final bell rang that ended the day.  You did that everyday and it made me feel special, even though I was just a child I started to like you a lot and I don't think you knew because at that age boys were so oblivious. We were happy and I thought we would be together for life, until that day the final bell rung, and my heart broke. After second grade I always wondered where you went, if you were ok, and why you didn't say goodbye. It was the hardest day of my life because my best friend didn't tell me he was leaving for good, he didn't say goodbye. I went to your house after school to see it nothing but a hollow shell of what used to be. When I seen it my heart broke into a thousand pieces, and I kept hoping you would come back? Did you ever? No, did I wait for you to? Yes, but I couldn't wait for someone who I truly liked to come back, because at the end the people I care for always leaves me broken.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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