Steve nudges Bucky's shoulder and nods to the pride flag dancing in the breeze before them.

Bucky's face grows pale, his eyes in awe. "Ain't ever seen one of them in person," he whispers to Steve.

"Beautiful, ain't it?" Steve says, voice as soft as the breeze.

"Yeah, yeah it is."

Tony glances over his shoulder. "Stay close, you two. Don't need you saying shit to these nice people."

Bucky raises an eyebrow. "The hell does that mean?"

Sam shoves Tony playfully. "They're not assholes, Stark. Neither of them would say a damn word."

Tony crosses his arms. "Steve literally called a guy the f word, so I don't trust him around the gays anymore."

Bucky looks at Steve.

"It's not my proudest moment," Steve mumbles.

They keep walking until the chilling sound of a bone snapping splits the air. Steve and Bucky come to a halt, already on alert and listening to where the sound came from.

Tony and Sam stop, too. They watch the soldiers, concern growing on their faces.

"Steve, what's wrong?" Sam asks.

Steve sprints forward, pushing between his friends and gunning for the alleyway between the bars. He can hear Bucky running after him, right at his heels.

They slide into the alleyway to find three men beating on two others and suddenly Steve's fifteen and watching a couple of brutes beat a poor homosexual couple to death.

His face turns to stone as he steps forward. Steve doesn't say a word as he throws two of the assholes against the brick wall, kicking the other off the poor couple.

Bucky's quick to slam them back against the wall when they try to escape. "Might not wanna do that," he sneers.

Steve bends down and looks at the couple. "You fellas alright?"

One of them, a tall, lanky fellow, nods through his broken nose. "Calvin?"

The shorter man shakes his head, holding onto his side.

"Tony, call 911," Steve calls as he stands. "Wilson-"

Sam rushes forward. "Already on it, Cap."

Steve turns to the three men, still pinned against the wall thanks to Bucky.

The middle man, the skinniest of the bunch, sneers at Steve. "You think your all that, don't you? That you're better than us?"

Steve raises an eyebrow. "I do. You're hardly a person, in my eyes. You were about to kill them, you realize that right?"

The biggest rolls his eyes and pushes off the wall, coming to stare Steve down, eye level.

Bucky adjusts his hold on the other two, watching him carefully.

"You ain't shit, big guy," the man spats before spitting at Steve's face.

Steve takes off his baseball cap and wipes the spit off his face, face expressionless. "You want to run that by me one more time, soldier?" Steve asks, Cap voice in full effect.

Bucky rolls up his sleeves, showing off his metal arm. "Wouldn't anger the Captain, fellas. Ain't no tellin' what he'll do."

The man before Steve grumbles, "You expect me to believe that Captain America and the Winter fucking Soldier are out here saving the fags?"

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