22 - Glorious moments

Start from the beginning

The moment Louis sees the animal close to the opened window and then looks at his side to see another similar one, he literally yells, his most feminine and pitchy scream yet, and turns on the car right away.

Harry jumps from his seat with Louis' squeal, his face changing from pure shock to amused and he starts laughing loudly and hysterically "Oh my god I-I can't be-believe I recorded all of t-this" Harry says, slapping his thigh by laughing so hard.

Louis limits himself to make an annoyed face and sigh in frustration while driving away, quicker than before "Turn that shit off Harry, I swear to god you piss me off sometimes."

"Hey, don't swear!" Harry stops laughing to say in a serious tone but then fails at it, laughing again.

This time Louis doesn't find the urge to contain his own laugh. There is none to hide.

  When Harry finally decides to stop laughing he opens the window again when there's no dangerous animal out there. When they pass by the zebras Harry's eyes open widely and Louis knows what's about to happen next

"LOUIS!" He shouts "It's giraffes, oh my god." He looks at the big animals walking not so far away from them, towards the side of Louis' car.

Now Louis laughs a little and drives a bit faster to reach them. Harry leans over the window, putting his head out of the car "Harry, be careful." Louis warns him when sees the giraffes getting closer to his best friend.

"Louis they're so pretty." Harry says completely ignoring Louis' warning and Louis needs to laugh by the way his voice comes out. Well, Louis doesn't particularly find giraffes pretty and he can't understand how Harry can, he probably hasn't seen their teeth and tongue... "Do we have food to give them?" Harry asks trying to look at Louis still with his head outside

"We can't give them food Harry and they only eat leaves and sticks for what I had seen." Louis informs him and he's sure Harry has said something but he can't quite understand.

After some seconds he notices the giraffes turning away, walking far from them, however there is a baby one who stays and gets even closer. He sees Harry sitting on his seat, taking his head from outside the window pretty quickly and in the next minutes he sees the little giraffe getting closer to the opened widow

"Holy shit." Louis curses seeing that the giraffe is trying to get his head inside of the car "How is this even possible" Louis says, a bit scared to be honest, but is ignored since Harry's laugh is too loud for him to be heard. How can he even laugh in this situation?

"Louis she's trying to lick me." Harry laughs and tries to step away from the giraffe's head, which has half of its tongue out.

Louis tries to put his worries and fears on the side and grabs the Polaroid camera that was between the two seats to catch the moment "Look at the camera Harry."

Harry quickly turns his head to his best friend and Louis clicks the button to take the picture right in the moment the giraffe's tongue is on Harry's cheek and his best friend as a wild grin on his face.

"That's disgusting." Louis cringes when the picture comes from the camera while Harry just laughs

"It tickles." Louis realises that his Harry's favourite laugh is probably the one when he's being tickled and that's why Louis does it a lot of time on purpose. His eyes keep shut tightly, with crinkles in the corner; it's freaking cute and he sounds like a little kid.

"Disgusting." Louis repeats

"Shut up, she liked me." Harry says now looking at the little animal, who starts pulling away. Louis almost bets that Harry and the giraffe are smiling at each other, which is pretty stupid but doesn't stop Louis to stare and appreciate the moment "Bye!" Harry shouts and waves at the yellow and orange animal while it starts walking away, though, still looking back at Harry.

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