Chapter 1

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*inhales* "finally a dream come true" morla said, Morla: *singing*this is what i have dreamed of everyday this is what i want.
Ford walks by and sees morla.
Ford: Russ, look!
Russell: where?
Ford: that girl in the yellow dress.
Russell: yeah, wait why?
Ford: she's cute and sings amazing.
Russell: i think she's auditioning for the singing contest.
Ford: us too you know!
Russell: why?
Ford: I'm gonna go talk to her
Russell: how?
Ford: you see her holding a lot of papers?
Russell: yeah
Ford: bump into her and walk away i will help her pick up her papers and then i will ask her name and then there!
Russell: yeah ok, but i want to talk to her
Ford: i saw her first
Russell: Rock Paper Scissors
Ford wins to Russell
Russell: okay fine
*Russell bumps into morla*
Morla: hey!
*Russell doesn't say anything
*Ford walks to morla*
Ford: hey, im sorry my friend doesn't know where he's going
Morla: oh, its okay
Ford: i see your auditioning for the singing contest
Morla: yeah.
Ford: your voice is amazing, I've got to let you meet my band
Morla: your auditioning too?
Ford: yeah, me and my friends
Morla: oh nice
Ford: you want to meet them now i mean you can take your time
Morla: its fine i can meet them now
Ford: ok, come on
*Morla walks with ford*
*ford puts his arms around morla*
Morla: what are you doing? *blushing*
Ford: I'm keeping you safe
*Morla puts her head on fords shoulder*
They walk to boybandph
Ford: guys meet morla
Morla: hi 👋
Niel:..*thinking* she's beautiful
Joao: hi
Tristan: hi
Russell: hey, remember me?
Morla: YOU!
Russell: yeah, sorry..
Morla: its fine
Niel: um can i talk to you?
Morla: yeah, sure
Niel: can you give us some privacy?
Ford: yeah, lets go boys
Russell, Tristan, Joao and Ford leave
Niel: i just want to say that you're beautiful
Morla: thanks
Niel: Im Niel
Morla: morla
*shakes hands*
Ford:* sees morla shaking hands with niel*
Russell: woah, bro look
Ford: yeah, i know
Joao: are you okay bro?
Ford: yes but its just that i, like morla
Joao: ohh, we will help you to get her to be your girlfriend
Russell: hey! But i like her too
Tristan,Joao,Ford: WHAT!
Russell: yeah, i think niel also, thats why he's holding her hand
Tristan: how about we try to go to her house and sing her a song?
Ford: yeah that's a good idea
Niel: i think their waiting for us
Morla: yeah, i think we should go
Ford: hey, what did he tell you?
Morla: nothing much he just said that I'm beautiful and introduced himself.
Ford: okay
LTristan: guys were up next
Morla: good luck
Ford: Hi we are boybandph and we're gonna sang a song for the girl that is very special to us and we just met her today
Judge: who is this girl?
Ford: actually her name is morla
Judge: oh she just sang before you guys
Ford: yeah we know
Judge: ok go ahead
After the singing contest
Ford sees morla going home
Ford: wait, stop the car
Ford runs to morla
Morla: oh Ford, hi.
Ford: its not safe for you to walk around here alone
Morla: Its fine im okay
Ford: no, come with me at our car
Morla: okay
Goes inside the car
Ford: so where's your house?
Morla: just go I'll show the way
*Morla is feeling cold *
Ford: are you cold?
Morla: yeah
Niel: here you go.
Morla: oh, thanks
Niel: no problem
Ford: *thinking* niel likes her hmm
Morla: I'm thirsty
Niel,Ford: here
Joao: thanks perfect one for me one for morla
Morla is sitting beside Joao
Morla is struggling to open her bottle
Joao opens it for her
Morla: thank you
Joao: your welcome
Morla and Joao smile at each other
Niel and Ford feel jealous when they see Joao and morla smiling at each other
Morla: ok this is my house
Joao: nice
Morla: thank you
Ford: hey morla do you mind if we meet your family and see your house
Morla: sure
Goes inside the house
Morla: hi mom!
Mom: hi
Mom: oh who are these boys?
Ford: oh sorry im Ford
Tristan: I'm Tristan
Joao: I'm Joao
Niel: I'm Niel
Russell: Russell
Mom: so nice to meet you boys
Ford: its nice to meet you too
Mom: do you want to join us for dinner?
Joao: sure
Morla: do you guys want to tour the house?
Ford: yeah
Morla: okay, follow me
They go upstairs
Morla: so here is the guest room
Niel: wow nice
Russell: can we stay?
Morla: well sure if you want
Ford: um do you have a bathroom?
Morla: its in this room but the door next to the bed
Ford: thanks
Inside the bathroom
Ford looking at the mirror
Ford: ok now im living in her house don't be scared, be yourself
Ford goes back out
Joao: so should we eat dinner now?
Morla: Sure! Let's go.
They're eating dinner
Mom: do you want some chicken?
Joao: yes, we love chicken!
Morla:mom they are gonna sleep here for the night
Mom: in the guest room?
Morla: yes
After dinner
Russell: let's get our bags
Morla: I'm gonna wait for you guys upstairs
Niel: I'll come with you
Morla: okay
Niel: this is where we're gonna sleep?
Morla: yeah, I'm sleeping at my room
Niel: is it the door next to us?
Morla: yes,that's my room
Niel: can you go out first? I'm gonna change
Morla: oh sure, sorry
Niel: ok I'm done
Morla: ok
Joao: where's morla?
Niel: in her room
Joao: is it the door beside us?
Niel: yeah
*Joao goes to morla's room*
Morla: oh hi, what are you doing here?
Joao: nothing, I just wanted to see you
Morla: really?
Morla: so this is my room
Joao: this is nice
Morla: thank you
Joao:Your a fan of angel locsin?
Morla: yeah I love her movies
Joao: nice
Ford: Joao! Its time to sleep
Joao: ok I'll go now
*Morla and Joao go to the room*
Niel: good night i'll see you guys tomorrow
Russell: good night
Tristan: goodnight
Joao: goodnight
Ford: good night 😊
To be continued....

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